Part 34

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Chris' heart was broken and continued to break every time he looked at you.

"Mr Evans," Doctor Ruffalo called out to Chris as he entered your hospital room, "You wanted to speak with me?"

Chris nodded, "I do, thank you, Doctor." Chris glanced at you to make sure you were still asleep before he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and stood up. "Can we talk outside, please?"

"Of course," Doctor Ruffalo politely smiled at him and the two walked out into the hallway. "So, what is it you were wanting to talk about?"

Chris let out a heavy sigh as looked at you through the small window. You'd fallen asleep pretty fast after crying for a while. Neither of you had really spoken since finding out what had happened. And Chris was left with hundreds of questions and no answers.

"Are you certain it was, it was a... Miscarriage?" He whispered, the word feeling wrong to say.

The doctor nodded, "Yes. We ran a few different tests before I asked Miss Y/L/N the questions I did." Chris closed his eyes and let the tears escape. "Mr Evans, were you and Miss Y/L/N trying, to conceive?"

Chris shook his head, "No. We're, well, obviously not as careful as what I thought. We've spoken about children, they're definitely on the cards in the future," He let out a small chuckle, "But this- did she know? That she was pregnant?" Chris frowned and looked at the doctor.

Doctor Ruffalo let out a heavy sigh. "From, how she answered the questions and the fact that... Miss Y/L/N was only six weeks, pregnant... And it was in fact an ectopic pregnancy... I believe she didn't know. Sometimes, women don't always have the typical pregnancy symptoms. It's easily mistaken for a bug, especially if it's their first time. And with the ectopic pregnancy as well, they are... different."

Silence settled between the two men as Chris took in what the doctor had said.

"Mr Evans, do you know what an ectopic pregnancy is?" Chris shook his head with his face firmly fixed on your sleeping form. "An ectopic pregnancy is when the fetus grows on the outside of the womb. This means, even if the fetus wasn't lost due to the miscarriage, it would have to have been, aborted. There's no way it would have survived." He let out a heavy sigh as he stepped a little closer to Chris.

"Will this happen again?" Chris sniffled, dreading the answer to the question that had been bothering him.

Doctor Ruffalo let out a frustrated sigh, "There's no way of knowing. She's young and healthy, so there's no reason it should." He shook his head, "But then again, there's no reason it should have happened in the first place. Sometimes these things happen and there's no way of stopping them from happening."

Chris nodded, "Will- Will she be okay, Doc?"

The doctor nodded smiling softly at him, "As long as you're there to love her like you obviously do, she'll be just fine. She'll just need some time as you will." He placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "The two of you will be just fine, Mr Evans, it'll just take time."

Chris nodded, thanking the doctor before he headed back into you. His heart broke as he watched you sleeping in the hospital bed. You looked so small.


"Ma? What are you still doing here?" Chris asked surprised to see his mother and brother still in your apartment. He held you close as the two of you walked through the front door.

"What, you thought I was just going to leave the two of you to handle this all on your own?" She frowned at her son, her gaze softening as she looked at you. "My poor baby," She gently pulled you into a hug which you were grateful for. "How do you feel?"

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