Part 18

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The sound of Chris' laughter and everyday life of the Caribbean, along with the sound of the waves hitting the shore filled Chris' office as he sat watching a video on his phone, 'working'. He sat behind his desk, smiling as he watched you take your first drink of Caribbean rum, laughing along with himself as you pulled a face, coughing a little before licking your lips and giggling. It only seemed like yesterday the two of you were there, having a blast and forgetting about New York and work. The pair of you had been back home about a week now, back to the normal life you could say but Chris was happier than ever before. Well, until he found a third Save the Date card in his mailbox that his mother had sent to remind him of his sister's upcoming wedding next month.

"Come in!" Chris answered the knock at his office door, locking his phone and pretending to be hard at work.

"Hey man," Sebastian smiled politely as he walked into Chris's office.

"Hey," Chris greeted, sitting back in his chair as Sebastian walked over to him, "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing," He sat down opposite Chris, "just wondered if you wanted to grab a few drinks tonight? Mackie's a free man for the evening so, I thought we could go to the bar you like,"

Chris glanced down at his phone. He'd made arrangements with you to have dinner, and he'd much rather do that if he was being honest. "M'sorry, man, I've got loads of work to catch up on and I promised to check in with Ma-"

"You're fucking Y/N, aren't you?" Sebastian smirked, sitting back in his seat.

Chris looked at him wide-eyed for a brief moment before he shook his head. "Wha- no, don't be stupid, I'm no-"

"Cut the crap, Evans, I know you are. You're not as good at hiding these things as you think," He chuckled.

Chris breathed deeply, shaking his head. "Who knows?"

Sebastian shook his head, "Me, Mackie, Robert... oh, Hayley-"


Sebastian nodded, "She was the one who pointed it out, actually," He chuckled, "You know, having been there and done that," He grinned teasingly, making Chris roll his eyes not impressed by his joke. "Other than that, I don't know,"

Chris nodded, "What else, do you know?"

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, confused by his question. "What else should I know?"

"Nothing," Chris shook his head, "I just, wondered if there were any rumors or not."

Sebastian frowned, "Like what?"

Chris looked up and met Sebastian's gaze, letting out another deep sigh. "Well... that I'm-"


"Okay," Hayley walked into the small break room startling you, making the two go you giggle, "Sorry." She handed you a napkin to clean up the spilled coffee.

"It's fine," You smiled, turning to bin the used napkin, "What was it you wanted anyway, Miss Sunshine and lollipops?" You smiled at her as you picked your coffee cup up.

"You, me, Cobie, drinks, tonight," She grinned.

"Oh," You chewed on your bottom lip, thinking about your plans with Chris. "I can't tonight, tomorrow?"

Hayley frowned before raising her eyebrow and gave you a teasing grin. "Won't you be fucking, Chris, tomorrow night, too?"

Your eyes widened and your face began to flush red. "I- wha-"

Hayley burst out laughing, "Relax, would ya'," She smiled. "I'm not judging. You forget how I and Chris were 'more than friends' at a long time ago?"

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