Part 31

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A cool breeze tickled your body as the covers were slowly pulled away from your naked body.

"Happy Anniversary, baby girl," Chris whispered softly against your throat as you slowly stirred from your sleep.

You let out a sleepy giggle into your pillow as Chris laid soft kisses over your throat and down your bare shoulder. "Goodmorning, and Happy Anniversary to you too, daddy." You whispered as you turned your face to look at him over your shoulder.

Chris grinned, raising his head back up so he could see you. "Goodmorning," He leaned over and pressed a long and passionate kiss to your lips, pulling back before you could slip your tongue into his mouth. A low chuckle rumbled through his chest at the needy moan you let out as he moved back. "Don't worry baby girl, daddy's going to make you feel good."

He pressed a light kiss to your shoulder. His large hands gently gripped your thighs and pushed them apart slightly. You automaical pushed yourself back, baring your already wet core to him.

"Already desperate for daddy's cock, aren't you baby girl." Chris took a hold of his hard cock and pressed the head of it to your opening as you let out soft moan, nodding your head.

You let out a deeper groan as Chris's thick length began to split you open. It burned but it was a pleasurable feeling, a feeling you were desperate for. That you craved. That you loved.

"God," You moaned loudly as Chris settled all of himself inside you.

Chris rested his weight on his elbows as he laid over the top of you. Your ass pressed against his hips as you laid flat against the matress. His chest rested against your back as he slowly fuck you from behinad, panting and moaning against your ear.

"You feel so fucking good, baby girl, so tight around my cock." He groaned, intertwining his left hand with yours. "Who's are you? Hmm,"

"Yours. Yours daddy."

"Who do you love?"

"You." You turned your face and moaned into his mouth as he crashed his lips against yours.

He pulled back breathless, "I love you, Y/N. I love you." Chris kissed your temple, keeping his lips on you as he kept fucking you slow and hard.

With his right hand Chris found your clit and began rubbing slow circles whilst he angled his hips and hit a little firming against that spot inside you that had you crying out for him to go harder and faster.

"I- oh, God! I love you... oh, yes... I love you too, Chris!" You cried out as you arched your back, pushing your ass back into him as Chris pushed deeper into you.

"You're close, aren't you, baby girl?" Chris grunted.

You nodded, moaning out a yes as your core squeezed around his twitching cock.

"Together, baby girl. Together." He squeezed your left hand as he moaned against your throat.

You cried out, squeezing around his cock as your orgasm broke. Chris growled deeply as he stilled, filling you with his cum. The two of you panting heavily as you fell apart together.

"Fuck," Chris let out a breathy chuckle before pressing another kiss to your shoulder. He slowly lifted himself up and pulled out of you before rolling onto his back beside you. "Shit."

You giggled, turning your head to look at him. "Wow," You grinned at him, tired all over again.

Chris smiled as he looked at you, reaching over to stroke his knuckles against your cheek. "You know you're getting spoilt today, right?" He winked at you making you giggle and nod.

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