Part 3

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As much as Elizabeth didn't want to admit it, she was excited to help you get ready for your night with Chris. Neither of you had been around so much expensive, beautiful stuff before. Chris had said to buy whatever you need; that included new hair products, new makeup, perfume, shoes, underwear and whatever else you needed. You may have gone a tad over board.

Elizabeth did your hair in a simple, yet elegant up do and light but bold makeup to make your, 'eyes pop', you think were the words she used. You had your nails done before you returned home in a simple black. Your dress, or ball gown as it were, was navy blue (requested by Chris), encrusted, off the shoulder that matched your heels perfectly. You wore simple black lace underwear (strapless of course) underneath. And your bag was a simple navy blue silk pouch.

"Holy fuck." you stared at your reflection, shocked at how, beautiful, you looked. You'd never done yourself up like this before. Not even for prom.

Elizabeth grinned behind you. "You look beautiful, babe." she squealed. "He's gonna be-" she stopped, suddenly frowning.

"What?" you turned to face her.

"All this effort, for what?" she shrugged.

You sighed looking away from her. "Don't start, Liz."

"I'm sorry but... How does this help pay your bills. Y/N, you'll be homeless by the end of the month and you don't have a job." she raised her voice.

"I will. I just need to do this-"

"To what? I don't understand how this is helping. All you're doing is... Whoring yourself out for-"

You slapped your hand across her cheek, tears filling both your eyes as a loud knock hit the door. "Liz, I'm sorry."

"DON'T!" she shouted. She quickly grabbed her coat and bag before storming to the door, pulling. she over. "DON'T FUCKING COME CRYING TO ME WHEN THIS FUCKS UP!" she shouted before barging passed Chris without a look.

You tried not to cry. You cleared your throat before looking up to meet Chris' frown. "Hmm... H-Hi. Sorry." you blushed.

Chris shook his head, stepping into your apartment, if that's what you can call it. "No, no, it's... Alright." he frowned, not even trying to hide it. "Everything okay?"

You nodded faking a smile. "Fine." you shrugged.

Silence settled between the two of you as you finally gave each other a proper look. Chris was wearing a navy blue tux, his hair styled in its usual neat, pushed back way, his beard trimmed to perfection.

"You look... Lovely." you blushed with a smile, making Chris smile too.

Chris nodded taking a deep breath. "You look, beautiful, Y/N." he stepped closer to you. "Ready, to go?" he asked glancing down you form,smiling a little more.

You nodded turning round to grab your bag. "Oh!" you opened your bag and pulled out his credit card. "Thank you for this...if I went overboard, I'm sorry. I'll pay-"

Chris chuckled shaking his head as he took the plastic from you. "Sweetheart, relax. I said buy what you wanted and you did. And I can tell you didn't go as overboard as what some might." he winked at you. "C'mon, let's get going." he held his hand out for you.

Time skip...

"Thank you, sir..." Chris shook hands with one of the many business men he'd been speaking to.

You'd only been there half an hour and already Chris had spoken to about twenty different business associates. You weren't fussed; you were to look pretty, smile and laugh when needed to.

You smiled as the man said goodbye before turning to look at Chris. "So, why is everyone wanting to talk to The Chris Evans tonight?" you asked with a smirk

Chris chuckled, placing his hand on the small of your back. "Because I'm good at what I do." he smirked smugly at you.

You nodded slowly. "Is that what you've been told or what you think?" you bit back a giggle.

"It's what I know." he winked making you laugh. "C'mon, let's get a drink." he chuckled, guiding you over to the bar. Chris order you both some a drink, to his surprise you'd asked for another scotch, admiting you enjoyed it. "So-" Chris began as the pair of you began walking away. "What was that about, back at your... Place?" he frowned at the thought.

You sighed shaking your head. "That was... Elizabeth... My best-friend." you frowned. "She's pissed at me for, doing this. She thinks I'm being stupid." she was probably right.

Chris sighed nodding. "Y/N-" he stopped in his step, taking your hand. "She's probably right." he chuckled making your frown even more. "Not that, you're stupid, I firmly believe you're one of the, if not the smartest... Hm... Sugar babies I've encountered." he smiled down at you making you blush. "But, this isn't you, is it?" he frowned.

You shook your head. "No. I'm usually so, good girl... Say yes to everything asked of me. Do with what I've got and never ask for more." you sighed. "So, when I saw Scarlett's website I thought, why not. I deserve a bit of fun and, if it helps me not be homes in two weeks then its worth a shot."

"Homeless? What do you mean?" Chris frowned.

You shook your head. "Doesn't matter." you lied, smiling at him. Chris went to say something else but was cut off by a heavy slap on his back.

"Didn't think we'd see you here tonight." a handsome brunette smirked at Chris. "Finally decided to relax a little?" he laughed.

Chris rolled his eyes nodding. "Something like, that." he smiled at the man. "Where's Mackie? The pair of you are usually glued at the hip." Chris teased.

"Funny, man." another man joined the joke, smiling at you. "Well, hello gorgeous, and who might you be?" he held his hand out to you.

You tried your hardest not to blush. "Hello-" you watched as 'Mackie' took your hand in his and kissed the back of it.

Chris rolled his eyes. "This, is Y/N, Y/L/N and she's... My date for this evening." Chris slipped his arm around your waist. "Y/N, these gentlemen, if that's what you can call them-" he chuckled as the pair pulled a hurt face. "- lawyers at the company I work for and, my pals too." he introduced you.

"Best pals." Mackie corrected before holding his hand out again. "Anthony Mackie, pleasure to meet... One of his dates, finally." he smiled at you.

You nodded smiling. Finally? "Sebastian, Stan..." he winked at you as he took your hand. "What's a lovely dame like you doing with a mess that him?" he grinned.

You bit back youe laugh as Chris told him to fuck off. "Because he'll have no problem being dirty if he's already a mess." you answered without a thought.

The three men stared at you opened mouthed. Fuck.

"Hmm... Sorry. I wasn't-"

"I think I love you." Chris smirked at you before he kissed your cheek, causing me you to blush perfusly.

"Daaamn, I like the mouth on her." Anthony winked at you,grinning from ear to ear.

Sebastian nodded. "Keeo her around, Chris. God knows you need help being smart." Sebastian teased, once again receiving a fuck off from Chris. Sebastian went to say something else but stopped quickly. "Look alive, boss man." and like two children running away the boys disappeared.

Chris sighed. "Want to go get another drink whilst I-"

"I do hope you'll be introducing me to your lovely date, Mr Evans?" Chris stiffened at the sound of a voice behind him.

He cleared his throat before turning around. "Of course... Mr Robert Downey Jr, I'd like you to meet Miss Y/N Y/L/N."

You stared wide eye at the billionaire in front of you. He held his hand out for you, smiling that all too familiar smile. "It's nice to meet you."

You nodded taking his hand. "And you..." you smiled slightly at him.

What now?

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