Part 33

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"Y/N?" Chris called out as he entered the apartment along with a very wet and unamused as he shook himself dry. "Dodge," Chris scolded the dog playfully. He hung up his raincoat up and Dodger's lead before kicking off his running shoes. "Baby girl? You awake yet?" He called out to you again. "Y/N?"

Dodger looked up at Chris as he sat by his feet, waiting for his permission.

Chris smiled with a nod, "Go on. Go find, momma," He chuckled softly.

Dodger quickly dashed off towards the bedroom. Chris grinned to him, slipping his hand into his pocket to make sure the velvet box was still there. And like every other day he had checked over the last three months, it was. Every day, he'd wake up, sure today was the day, but his nerves had gotten the better of him.

Not today. He was determined today was the day.

"Y/N?" Chris called out as he heard Dodger whimper. He let out a heavy sigh as he walked into the bedroom to find you still covered up with the bedsheets and fast asleep. "Seriously? C'mon sleepyhead, we gotta start getting ready." Chris gave your leg that was under the blankets a gentle shake as he moved around the bed towards the ensuite. When you didn't stir, he grabbed the covers, "I thought you wanted to go out? That's why you wanted a nap." He sighed as he pulled back the covers.

All the colour drained from his face as he took in the state of you. "Y/N?" He whispered, pulling the covers onto the floor as he pushed dodgeD away from you. "Baby? Wake up," He tried not to panic as he moved closer to. "Y/N," Chris' voice shook as tears filled his eyes.

He reached out and touched your pale, sweat covered face. His eyes moved to the blood that was covering the bedsheets, there was so much.

"Oh, God," He sobbed, pulling his cell out of his pocket and dialled the emergency services. "Please, help, I need an ambulance!" He cried as he held your lifeless body in his arms.


"We don't have to go out, baby girl, if you're not well." Chris frowned softly against your neck as he hugged you from behind.

You let out a tired giggle, "I'm fine, daddy. I'm just, sleepy, need a little nap, then I'll be fine."

Chris hummed, nuzzling his face into your neck and pressing a soft kiss to your skin. "Okay, baby. If you're sure," He stepped back from you giving your butt a soft tap. "I'll take Dodger out for his walk and let you nap." He winked and walked over to the coatrack. "C'mon, bub, let's go!"

Dodger barked excitedly and walked over to where Chris stood.

"Don't forget these!" You sang, holding the doggy poop bags put for him.

Chris grumbled before taking the poop bags. "Love you, momma," He kissed your cheek before he and Dodger left the apartment.

With a small yawn, you began to make your way towards your bedroom, ready to have a nap, only to double over in pain just as you got to the door.

With great difficulty you slowly opened your eyes, not that they would open long, you were in pain. You were sore, aching tired.

"Please... please, wake-up." You heard Chris' broken voice. You felt him squeeze your hand and then you felt his lips against your knuckles. "Please, baby girl. I need you," Chris sniffled. "I'm nothing without you, baby girl."

"Chris..." You whispered, although your voice was barely heard due to your throat being dry. "Chris," You squeezed his hand as you opened your eyes a little.

Chris's head shot up. "Y/N?" He quickly moved to lean over you, pressing kisses to your forehead and face. "oh, baby girl." Fresh tears rolled down his face as he cried. "My sweet, baby girl. I was so worried."

A soft smile graced your lips as you reached up and gently held the back of his head. "Wa-Water," You croaked.

"Of course," Chris quickly got you a glass of water, helping you to sit up before handing you the glass. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "What, happened?" You croaked.

Chris pulled back just enough so he could rest his forehead against yours. He breathed in shakily as he stroked your hair soothingly. "I-" He shook his head slowly, "I don't know, baby, the doctor still hasn't spoken to me." He sniffled as he sat down beside the bed, moving as close to you as he could.

"How long, have I been asleep?"

Chris' head dropped a little as he held your hand in both of his. It broke your heart to see his face covered in tears. "I'm not sure, baby girl..." 

You weren't left alone for long before the doctor entered your room.

"Hello, Miss Y/L/N, I'm Doctor Ruffalo. It's good to see you finally awake." The dark curly-haired man offered you a tight-lipped smile as he lifted your chart. "How are you feeling? Any pains in your stomach?  Sickness? Do you feel lightheaded or dizzy?" He asked.

You nervously looked over to where Chris was sat. Chris nodded and gave your hand a gentle squeeze.

"Uh, I, hmm, I'm tired... and, slight pain in my stomach. Maybe, a little nauseous...  and dizzy."

Doctor Ruffalo nodded, making a note on your chart. "How long have you been feeling ill? Your boyfriend said you've been a little unwell over the last few days."

You nodded, "A week, maybe two. I'm not sure."

"Any other symptoms? Possibly bleeding? Perhaps diarrhoea? Have you had any of the stomach pains and dizziness over those weeks?"

"I... guess... but I thought, it was just a bug?" You frowned, starting to panic.

Chris quickly stood up and put his arm around your shoulders. "What's going on, Doc?"

Doctor Ruffalo let out a sigh as he reached up and took his glasses off. "I'm afraid, Miss Y/L/N, it appears due to what we call an ectopic pregnancy, you've had a miscarriage."

You felt numb. The doctor began to explain what had happened but it was falling on deaf ears. You couldn't take in what he was saying.

"Thank you, doctor," Chris mumbled as the man left.

Neither of you spoke. You just sat there in silence, holding one another close as silent tears fell.

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