Part 26

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When you and Chris returned back to life in New York, things were hectic, and forgotten. Like Chris's promise of getting rid of the contract, and searching for a place the two of you can call yours... And a dog. The dog was important in your eyes, it's a dog.

Weeks went by since your return from Boston and you were starting to think maybe Chris wasn't serious about everything he said. Maybe all you'd ever be was his guaranteed fuck.

Chris: Meet me here, 20 minutes x

Chris had randomly sent you an address after stepping out the office one afternoon. No explanation as to why. You were a little miffed about the no please or thank you, but none the less, you closed your computer down, packed your things away and headed out to the address.

"So, what you think?" Chris grinned behind you as the pair of you stood in the middle of the master bedroom. You stayed silent as you looked from one bare wall, to another. "Baby girl?" Chris whispered softly against your ear as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"It's... Wow," You smiled, "But, seriously? This is for us?"

Chris chuckled, "If, you want it? If you like it? If not, we can go look another one, or two, or a thousand until you find what you want."

"This!" You spun around to face him grinning. "I love this, do you?" You wrapped your arms around his neck.

Chris nodded, "I do. It's not the house with a picket fence but, we've got to start somewhere, haven't we?" He smiled lovingly down at you.

Your eyes widened a little, "You-" You nodded smiling, "Starting here, sounds good, daddy."

Chris grinned and leaned in to press a kiss to your mouth as he pulled you closer to him.

Starting here.
"Hmm... "Chris moved back from between your thighs, licking his lips as he stood up between them. "Got one more in you, baby girl?" He smirked down at you, in all his naked glory.

You let out a breathy moan from where you laid on Chris's desk, equally as naked as he was. "Then that's them all?" You asked as you pushed yourself up onto your elbows.

Chris grinned, "Every page, baby girl." He winked, taking a hold of his hard cock for... You had no idea, the pair of you had cum so much you'd lost count of the number of orgasms you were now on. "Ready, baby?" Chris raised your left leg and placed it over his shoulder.

You nodded, "Yes, daddy," You bit your lip and reached up to intertwine your fingers with his that was holding your leg. "Please, please fill me with your big cock, daddy."

Chris let out a deep growl at the sound of your needy voice. "Oh, princess, daddy loves it when you beg," He let out a sharp breath as the head of his cock met your wet heat and slowly he began to push inside of you. Your warmth engulfed his cock as he slipped inside you. "Oh, fuck... baby,"

Your eyes rolled backward as Chris ran his large hand that wasn't holding yours over your stomach and up to your chest. You moaned loudly as he squeezed your breast and drew his hips backward.

"Touch yourself, baby girl." Chris moaned as he felt you squeeze his cock. You obeyed what he said and pressed your fingers against your clit and began moving them quickly. "Slowly, Y/N," Chris let go of your breast and placed his hand over yours as he slowed down, "I want us to cherish, the moment we no longer have a contract binding us, but pure, animalistic, passion-" A low grunt left his chest as your cunt squeezed around his cock.

You groaned softly as Chris pushed all the way inside of you and paused. You felt so full of him, like you were going to burst, and you loved it. "Please, daddy," You begged, "Please, make me cum. I want to cum all over your cock."

A devilish grin broke out on Chris's face, he loved it when you begged for him. "What else do you want, baby girl?"

"I want your cum, daddy. I want you to fill me up, until I'm leaking. Please, daddy, fill me to brim!" Your cried out as Chris withdrew his hips and slammed back inside you.

"Dirty girl." Chris growled, slamming into you repeatedly. "Fuck," He leaned forwards and wrapped his arms around you and pressed into you as he fucked you hard.

"Fuck, daddy, you feel so good."

Chris moaned against your neck, as your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling slightly as your legs tightened around his waist.

"Fuck," Chris breathed heavily, pulling back and pressing a hard and passionate kiss to your mouth.

Chris slipped his hand from behind you and pressed his fingers against your sensitive clit. It didn't take much effort to ousdh you over the edge since you were already so worked up. And with one final deep thruat, Chris was cuming along side you.

"Wow," You let out a breath giggle.

Chris grinned against your sweat covered neck, before lifting his head up and pressing a softer kiss to your lips. He grabbed the last page of your contract from beside you and put it in the mouth of the shredder and then it was gone.
For the first time in years, Chris was happy, truly happy. For the first time in years, work wasn't all he cared about.

He wanted to get home to be with you. He slept in on Sundays after having a busy Saturday. He cooked dinner either for or with you. He ate a little more junk food and he went running more, with you by his side.

"How long are we going for?" You smiled at Chris as you lifted your glass of wine to your lips.

"Oh, at least a week, I should imagine..." He grinned, "Sounds like a good place to spend our anniversary, don't you think?" He winked.

Your eyes widened for a brief moment before you began grinning, "Seriously?"

Chris nodded, "I am." He smiled, "We'll sign the new place's papers before we leave so, by the time we get back, we can pack and move in,"

"And get a dog?!" You grinned excitedly.

Chris chuckled, "Yes, baby girl, we can get a dog."

"YES!" You cheered a little too loudly for the quiet restaurant you were in. You began blushing as you ducked down a little. "So, this... Event, in Australia we're attending. What sort of outfit will we need? Bikini? Summer dress? Ball gown?" You smirked a little.

Chris rolled his eyes playfully, "Definitely not a bikini, although I do want to see you in plenty of those." He grinned, "We'll go shopping tomorrow, okay? Buy a few new things for the trip." He reached over and took a hold of your hand as you shook your head, about to argue with him. "Don't argue, unless you want spanking."

You raised your eyebrow playfully, "Maybe I want spanking." You shrugged with a soft giggle, squeezing your legs together as the thought of Chris spanking you over his knee made you wet.

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