Chapter Fourty Six- you can save the ones you love

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   46  *:・゚✧*:・✧

eddie regretted wearing those tiny shorts.

as he walks home it became closer to night. a slight breeze picked up and he rubbed his arms to try and create some kind of heat.

he reached his porch and noticed his dads car was still gone. he must of been at the shop. he heard leaves russel and he spun around to face the noise. he waited a few seconds but it didn't come again. he stepped inside hurriedly and locked the door. he ran upstairs to his room and slammed the door.

before he could turn around a hand was cupped over his mouth and his vision went dark.


when eddie woke up there was an orange glow in the corner of the room. in front of him, there was a bed, a messy desk and rocks band posters covering the black walls. it looked like an average teenagers room....

he tried to stand up but looked down to see that his hands and ankles were tied down to the arms and legs of the chair he was sitting in.

he started hyperventilating and looked around the room, "what is this.... fuck! let me go!" he wobbled the chair until he hear a door creak open.

"shhh...." someone quietly cooed.

"fucking let me go!" eddie yelled

suddenly his kidnapper was in front of him. a rather handsome boy with dark eyes and a troublesome smirk.

eddie glared and tried to rip free from his hold.

"no use doing that sweetheart" levi spoke in a quiet voice

" i'm not your sweetheart you

"hey. be nice." he spoke in a firm voice that kind of scared eddie.

"let me go. now" eddie tried not to show his fear, but it was getting hard to breathe

"nope." levi laughed and sat on the bed in front of eddie.

"please" eddie could feel his chest heave as he started to hyperventilate.

suddenly levi was standing and rushing to a drawer. he pulled out eddies inhaler and held it to eddies lips. eddie shook his head but levi held him by his chin, softly but still firm and pressed the trigger, letting eddie breathe again.

"can't have you dieing on me. thought that might come in handy" levi threw the inhaler on the bed.

eddie grunted "fuck you"

"you should be nicer sweetheart. my dad wanted me to put you in the cellar but i convinced him to let you stay in my room." levi stood in front of eddie with a stupid smug grin

eddie looked around the room again. it was fitting for a boy like levi.

"i'm not thanking you." eddie said through his teeth

"you don't have to." he was speaking low and quiet again. he leaned down and got close to eddies face. eddie couldn't stop the blush of embarrassment that showed on his cheeks.

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