Chapter Thirty Five- Cigarettes on the Bleachers

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 35 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Nobody was prepared for school that day. The after effects of the party were still in effect and most students came to school looking

El and Eddie walked to school together per usual. Stan and Bill had spammed his phone and he simply pretended that he didn't care about what Richie said. Even if it meant a lot to him.

The two stopped at Els locker. A few lockers away Eddie spotted Bev at her locker.


She looked over at him and he waved with a half smile. She walked in the other direction and Eddie felt his heart clench a little. He should of known that Bev wouldn't want to be friends anymore.

"are you okay?" Jane asked in a concerned voice. Eddie gave her a half assed smile and nodded. He really wasn't okay.

They walked to the courtyard and found Bill and Stan sitting on a bench. This time, Mike was also there.

"Hey E-Eddie. You doing o-okay?" Bill asked in a soft voice

"I'm fine, I have no idea what you guys are talking about." Eddie lied and sat on the ground in front of them.

"Okay... well we're here when you need us." Stan assured. Mike, Bill and Stan had previously discussed the night before and talked about what Richie had said about the gang. Mike did promise to keep it secret, but he knew Stan and Bill would keep it that way.

"Would you guys stop with that! I don't even get what the big deal is!" He lied and looked down at the floor.


Eddie got up and grabbed his back pack, "just forget about it. Whatever happened is in the past and I know none of it was true. I don't care anymore!" He left the courtyard with tears streaming down his face.

The morning air was cool, but it was exactly what he needed to breathe. The cold air in his lungs made him feel again for a moment. He closed his eyes and leaned against the school wall.

The peacefulness didn't last long as he was lifted off the ground by the collar of his shirt.

"Hey girly boy. Long time no see" Henry spat in eddies face. Eddie kicked his feet and tried to get Henry's hands off of him.

"Leave me the fuck alone for once! I thought you left this bullshit back in middle school!" Eddie steamed

"It's not over fag. Especially after you hurt a Vice King." Patrick laughed from behind Henry.

"I don't even know any Vice Kings!" Eddie let his feet dangle from the ground, almost wishing that Henry would just beat him and get it over with.

"That's not what we heard in the bar. We were told that you broke up with Prince." Victor cut in and leaned against the wall next to Eddie

"Prince?" Eddie began to lose oxygen.

"Leave him alone Henry." Bev stepped out from out of no where.
"You know the rules. He didn't do anything to the gang so you can't hurt him."

"But he broke up with-"

"No. He broke up with Eddie. Now put him down and fuck off before I report you to Went." Bev stood her ground and waited until Henry dropped him.

Henry did so with a smirk. Him and his friends walked into the school.

Eddie doubled over and gasped for breath, pulling his inhaler from his pocket. He looked up at Bev, "Thanks" he said in a quiet voice, remembering their encounter this morning.

"Yep." She popped the 'p' and shifted her weight from her heels to her toes.
"I need to talk to you. Let's go to the football field." She began waking that direction and Eddie followed curiously.

They sat down on the metal bleachers on the empty field. Beverly pulled out a cigarette and began smoking,

" I know it sucks. To have to hear what he said while he was drunk."

Eddie looked at his shoes, "Yeah..."

"I'm with you on this one. He had no reason to break up with you."

Eddie perked up, "really? Why do you say that?"

She gave him a once over then looked up at the sun. "All that stuff he said about 'protecting you'. He told us what that meant." She took a drag from the cigarette

"What does it mean?" Eddie was getting anxious

"What I think, is that it's bullshit. It's not your fault, and it's not his. It's that stupid gang."

"But he said he's not apart of it"

"He is now. He started doing jobs. He felt like he had to protect you from that but I know that you'd like him either way."

"Of course I would. I mean, would of. It doesn't change who he is."

"That's not what he thinks. He thinks he's protecting you. He's afraid that you'll leave him because of the work him and his dad do. But I promise, the gangs changed a lot. It's not how it use to be. It's better now." Bev flicked away the butt of her cigarette

"Well this is all great. But why should I care? He broke up with me. He said he-"

"Loved you?" Bev finished. "Do you?"

Eddie stared into her blue eyes and shrugged. "I don't want to say."

But Bev knew well enough.

"You should talk to him. Tell him that you'd still like him even if he was in the gang. Because it's the truth right?" Bev asked

Eddie nodded. "I don't think he wants to talk. I don't want to. It hurts. After what he said... I can't face him."

Beverly stood up and stretched her arms over her head, "That's up to you. I'm just here to give you information. The boys told me not to tell you but... Richie wants you. Maybe just as much as you want him." She began the walk down the bleachers and Eddie stayed put.

Once Beverly was inside the buildings she walked into her first class late. She sat next to Richie who had his head on his desk. She leaned down and whispered to him,

"Henry has it out for Eddie."

Richie shot up and stared at her. He knew what that meant. Henry is capable of a lot of things.


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