Chapter Fifty Four- he needs him

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   54  *:・゚✧*:・✧

Wentworth stood in his living room talking to Alvin Marsh and another man named Johnson.

"we have to find eddie. i know Joe has him. i know what he wants. but we have to keep that kid in my basement or we won't get out money. keep the men looking. go." wentworth ordered and the men left. he closed his eyes and rubbed them

"dad." richie walked in with mike behind him

"richie?" wentworth opened his eyes and immediately looked at mike, "Mike?"

he walked over to the two and held mike by his shoulders. he pulled him into a hug, "hello son"

mike hugged back awkwardly, "hey... dad?"

wentworth nodded and released mike. he looked at richie and hugged him too, "you brought your brother back home?"

"yeah. why didn't i know about him?" richie asked

" i guess nows better than any time... when your mom and i separated she wanted to take one of you. she chose mike and i thought it would be better if you just didn't know him. i thought that maybe... if you knew... you'd leave me too... and i loved you too much...but you still ran away. i see my mistake now."

richie took a deep breath and nodded.

"i'm glad you're both back" wentworth smiled, "but i hope you know what's happened since you left"

"yeah. we need to find him." richie suddenly remembered the task at hand

"i know. i think the Gray Bloods took him. but it's too dangerous to go get him."

"what?! why?! let's go—!" richie began leaving but went pulled him back

"their dangerous richie. you know that." went gave him that look. the one richie knows not to test.

"then how"

"we wait. but your friends came by, told me that when you came home to send you to Stans house."

richie nodded and left the trailer

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*——*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

stans parents were gone for the weekend. something about a business trip, Stan couldn't remember. Bev and Ben had stayed over the night.

after stan had received a text from mike stating that he and bill had gone looking for eddie, he called the two over. then richie showed up with a stranger that looked like him.

"your... twin?" beverly asked as she walked around the two

"and you just met?" ben asked in disbelief

"i just want to help" mike followed beverly with his eyes

"wheres Bill and Mike?" richie finally asked as he noticed the two were gone

"mike texted me and said him and bill went looking for eddie... didn't say where they were going..." stan sat on the couch and rubbed his temples

"fuck..." richie muttered as he sat next to stan

the five thought in silence. three of their friends had officially gone missing. it was like they were missing a limb. it didn't feel right.

"now what?" bev asked. everyone turned to richie and he shrugged.

"we wait. that's all we can do. we wait for mike and bill to come back, and if they don't have eddie then... i'll go look. i'll ask my dad where to go" richie stood by the window and looked up at the moon.

"what if he's... he's..." ben couldn't finish the sentence. but everyone was thinking it

"he's not dead." richie turned and went up the stairs to the guest bathroom. he looked at himself in the mirror until he felt his legs shake. he slowly backed up against the wall and slid to the floor, feeling hot tears slide down his cheeks. he covered his face with his hands and let out a shaky breath. he couldn't stop the tears from falling.

he knows what the Gray Bloods do. if they have him then... who knows what's happening to his boyfriend. what if he's already dead? what if they just never find him?

richie had never wanted eddie in his arms more than he did in that moment. he missed him. those doe eyes and his soft hair... his pastel sweaters and blushed cheeks... he needs eddie. needs him.

the bathroom door opened and beverly stepped in, closing the door behind her. she sat on the floor next to richie and he leaned his head on her shoulder. she put her arm around his shoulders and leaned back, "we'll find him... don't worry rich."

"and if we don't?"

"we will." she reassured with a stern voice. she'd only seen richie cry twice since she met him in 3rd grade. when he broke up with eddie, and now. why does he break so easily when it comes to eddie?

"i love him, Beverly."

"i know—"

"—no... like i really love him. i can't see myself with anyone else but i can see myself with him years from now. out of this stupid town and living together.... i want to actually marry him one day; and spoil the shit out of him and... i just want to love him. and i can't if he's gone." he couldn't stop the whimper that passed his lips or the tears that landed on beverlys shoulder.

beverly stayed quiet. thinking. and she understood, now, why eddie is richies one weakness.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*——*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

bill and mike stopped at the edge of the woods, behind the trees in the dark. they had left the same day they were at eddies house. after stopping at the pharmacy for a map or Maine, they were on their way.

mike looked through a pair of binoculars, "there's a man at that gate. has a gun"

"th-then we'll climb o-over."

"what if they see us?"

"they w-won't. we stay low and quiet" bill instructed as they moved towards the gate.

merry christmas,
or happy hanukkah ...
or whatever you celebrate this time of year...

happy holidays everyone


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