Chapter Fourty Seven- the phone call

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   47  *:・゚✧*:・✧

levi's thumb rubbed eddies palm softly.

eddie looked down at him, thinking hard.

"he won't get hurt?" eddie questioned

"if you agree to be a Gray Blood." levi nodded slowly

"promise?" eddie concluded.

"promise." levi hooked their pinkies.

eddie sighed and looked deep into levi's eyes. he couldn't love him, he loved richie. but he couldn't let richie die. the thought made his heart stop and stomach twist.



richie laid in bed staring at the last text eddie sent him.

eds❤️- got home safe but my dad wants me to stay home. don't come visit.

why wasn't he allowed to visit?

richie sighed and laid his phone down. he got up and walked into the kitchen to grab a snack and go visit georgie.

as he was grabbing a bag of chips he noticed his dads phone on the kitchen counter. it was vibrating.

richie looked around, his dad was no where in sight. he set the chips down and looked at the caller ID on the phone.


richie shrugged and answered it, "hello this is Richie, who is this?" he asked


"yeah, that's my name. who are you?"

" It's- it's maggie!"

" um.... who?"

"oh for gods sake you don't even remember my name?"

"i'm sorry i think you're mistaken—"

"richie. it's your mom."

richies eyes widened and the air was knocked out of him. he stayed quiet and he could here a quiet sob over the phone.

"that's not possible. my mom left"

"i'm right here sweetie... your dad never told you about me? never offered to speak to me? i asked to talk to you a few times and he said you hated me... that you never wanted to speak to me again..."

richie furrowed his brows and felt a hot tear run down his face. "no. he never said anything about you."

"i'm your mama rich... you have to believe me"

richie thought for a moment. her voice was as sweet as he thought it would be. "i believe you"

she laughed lightly, "i miss you."

"sorry.... I— I don't know you"

"get to know me. come down to New York— i'll pay for the bus fair and you can stay for a while... please... i miss my boy...."

richie could here her sniffle and her voice crack. he wiped away the tear on his cheek and took a slow breath.

"okay, give me the address"

"oh great! it's ******* i'll send you the bus times— your brother is gonna be so excited to meet you—"

"what?!? my brother???"

"oh.... i guess Went didn't tell you?"

"i'll be there soon." richie hung up his dads phone and leaned on the counter top. he watched his tears make a small puddle.

the front door swung open and wentworth walked in with a beer in hand. his smile flattened, "what's wrong prince?"

"mom called."

wentworth lost his breath and stepped back. he sighed and looked down at his boots, " prince.... you weren't suppose to answer—"

"why not?! that's my mother!" richie was yelling, tears of anger flooding over the sad ones.

"it's not that simple-"

"yeah fucking right dad... i'm going to see her." richie began walking to his room to pack a bag

"son, the war—" went began walking after richie but richie slammed and locked his door

"figure it out dad. you're going to get people hurt."


street lamps passed through the glared bus windows. it was quiet and empty other than richie tapping his boot.

on his journey to new york he sent quick texts to his friends explaining the situation lightly. he didn't have time to explain to them all face to face.

richie: please check on eddie for me. he won't answer his phone

stan: okay, i'll do it tomorrow because he's probably sleeping. good luck trashmouth

richie tucked his phone into his jacket pocket. the bus started to slowdown and he looked up at the location.

he was there.

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