Chapter Fifty Seven- bullet holes

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   57  *:・゚✧*:・✧

dawn broke and the sun appeared from behind clouds.

the vice kings side of derry was loud, people moving about and hurrying. getting ready.

" they sent a letter. said they were coming today at noon." wentworth passed the letter to richie who read over it. "you stay out of this. tell your little friends to stay home. i don't want any of you kids hurt"

"but dad, i need to be there for eddie" richie tucked the note in his pocket

"no prince. it's too dangerous. i promise i'll get him home safe just-"

"dad. i am helping. wether you like it or not." richie stared harshly at went who stared back. he finally sighed and closed his eyes

"fine. but you stay quiet"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*——*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

richie told the losers. they all decided to stay on mikes farm on the opposite side of the fight.

"bring eddie home rich" stan gave richie a quick hug

"i will. stay safe guys, i'll be back" richie left the farm.

everyone stayed silent for a while. just thinking to themselves.

"what if he doesn't c-come back?" bill asked quietly

"he will. his dad will protect him" bev assured. she sat in the bay window, leaning her head on bens shoulder. mike and stan sat on the bed holding hands and bill and wheeler stood by the door.

"he'll be fine" wheeler put a hand on bills shoulder and gave him a half smile. bill nodded and put his hand over mikes.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*——*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

it was dark. the ground vibrated underneath eddie as the truck drove. he felt levi's hand on his thigh and didn't dare move.

"we're almost there. stay quiet when we are. say anything and richie, and wentworth die. got it?" levi whisperers to him in a low tone

"yes" eddie answered quietly. his blindfold made thinks difficult. he had no idea where they were or where they were going. just that it was trouble.

the truck came to a stop and he was being led out by a hand on his arm. his blindfold was removed and he was blinded by sunlight. he blinked and he could finally see. in front of him were familiar faces. all vice kings. at least 15ft away from him.

levi's hand was on the small of his back and joe was on levi's other side.

"did you remember the rules? this is a rumble. no guns no weapons just fists." wentworth spoke loudly

"we know the damn rules" joe rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips, "but you can stop your people from getting hurt if you just give us the kid."

what kid? eddie thought to himself. he's heard joe say that a few times now

"give us eddie." wentworth spoke again. eddie looked at him with fear in his eyes. he spotted richie next to him. he looked completely wrecked. it almost looked like he was gonna cry. eddie felt tears but held them back.

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