Chapter Fifty- you were so afraid to be alone

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   50  *:・゚✧*:・✧

the moonlight shone through the window and illuminated levi's face. tear stains trailed down his cheeks leaving his cheeks reddened.

eddie was still crying, unable to stop the hot tears from falling.

"please stop crying eddie... it's hurting me..." levi brushed a thumb over his cheek and wiped a tear away

"I-I can't-" eddie hiccuped and tried to look away from levis sharp eyes

suddenly levi was pulling eddie closer and wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. eddie squeaked in surprise. he felt levi's hand rub up and down his back

"it'll be okay..." levi whispered

eddie felt the tears form again and leaned into the embrace. he returned the hug limply. he felt so alone, lost, confused. he needed someone, anyone.

when eddie met richie, he toughened up. became something he wasn't. someone who was hard. because he had to to survive. hell he was almost killed! he had to be...

but with levi, he feels like maybe he can go back. be soft and caring. not have to worry about being killed.

god, he loves richie. wants to be holding him right now but he also wants him alive. he'll put himself on the line before anyone lays a finger on him.

he loves richie, but he can be nice with Levi. treat him like a friend and maybe richie won't have to die. maybe nobody will have to die.

it all rests in eddies hands.

levi's hold became loose and he looked down at eddie, "better?"

eddie nodded and wiped his tears off on his pastel pink sleeve. he felt levi move a strand of his hair from his forehead.

"just in case, i'm gonna stay up and make sure you don't pull a fast one on me" he winked at eddie and walked across the room to sit in the chair eddie was tied up in. eddie raised an eyebrow and levi motioned toward the bed.

"you can sleep in my bed. no offense but you look tired"

eddie rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "i'm not tired"

"fine. then stand there all night." levi crossed his arms back

eddie grunted and thought for a moment. he eventually sat on levi's bed. it smelt like cigarettes and cologne. he suppressed a yawn but eventually it passed his lips. he heard levi chuckle from the corner.

"what's so funny dick?" eddie sleepily grumbled

"nothing... your just adorable" levi shrugged and smirked

eddie grunted and stuck his tongue out at him, "and you're obnoxious" he yawned

"tell me about you."


"tell me about you." levi repeated

"why?" eddie tried to keep a poker face

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