Chapter Sixty Six- the fall, the jump, the lost and found

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   66  *:・゚✧*:・✧

bill laid in bed, looking up at his ceiling.

mike had left earlier because his dad was out of the hospital. so bill laid in bed not having anything else to do. it was quiet through his big house. it had been for awhile.

the front door closed with a bang and he sat up in bed, facing the door.

"william?" sharon, bills mom, called from downstairs

bill sighed and dragged himself out of bed, skipping down the steps until he saw his mother and father in the kitchen.

zack, his father, glanced at him and looked in a cupboard, "we see you've been keeping the house... well..."

"i g-guess..." bill mumbled from the landing

"has a package come?" sharon asked, setting her purse down. she wouldn't look at bill.

"no i d-don't think s-so—"

"stop that stutter it's obnoxious" zack interrupted

bill glared at him, " it's n-not my fault-"

"just like how it wasn't your fault that georgie's dead?" his father rolled his eyes and shook his head at sharon who nodded.

bill stayed quiet. ignoring his beating heart.

" god you really are useless. has any one come by for us? any mail?" sharon looked at bill like he was stupid

"n-no" bill spoke quietly

zack stared at him and stepped closer to him, "are you... stealing our mail?"

"what? n-n-no!" bill couldn't believe this is what his parents had to say after not seeing him for months.

" then where is it?! there should be mail!" he raised his voice and loomed over billy

"i don't kn-know—" before he could finish he was smacked across the face. his cheek stung and he held his hand over it, refusing to look at his dad because he felt tears spill over.

"you're useless. i'm surprised your still living without us here." zack mocked and walked back to sharon, "we're leaving again. don't expect us back for awhile"

the door closed and bill finally looked up. he moved his hand from his cheek and looked down to see blood on it. his dad must of used his ring finger again. his tears fell into the palm of his hand making the blood thin.

he went into the bathroom and washed his hands. then he wiped the cut with a washcloth. he couldn't stop crying, repeating his parents words over and over in his head

you're useless
it's your fault
why are you alive?
you killed your brother....

that one stung the most. it was his fault. he shouldn't of let georgie go out alone. he should of been with him— maybe then he'd still be alive. if it weren't for him being so useless, his brother would still be here.

bill closed his eyes and the tears came down like rain. he let out a quiet whimper and grabbed his phone.

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