Chapter Four- I Know

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  4  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Mike walked into Art class with a heavy sigh.

He had to talk to Eddie for Richie. What does he even say? "Hey Eddie, Richie Tozier, that guy everyone told you to stay away from, has the hots for you!!".... yeah right.

"Mikey!" Eddie waved at Mike and he took the seat next to him. "Hey Eddie, have a good lunch?"

"Yep! Stan gave me a cupcake since ma' doesn't let me have them at home." Eddie smiled as he began sketching in his art book.

"Good to hear," mike smiled down at the boy. Who wouldn't be crazy for Eddie Kaspbrak? Not Mike though, Eddies like a little brother.

"So.... got anyone on your mind?" He tried to casually bring up the subject of crushes. Eddie raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"Uh... I just seen this girl that was real cute. Do you have a crush?" Eddie giggled and shook his head, "not really. Haven't met the right boy yet."

Boy. That's good. That's a start, right?

"Oh, that's cool too. But are you interested in dating?" He also began to scribble in his art book. Eddie had already drawn a perfect sunflower on his page.

"I mean, I guess so. As long as their nice."

Eh.... Richies kind of nice?

"So you have a type?"

"Not really, just.... nice boys."

"What about tall curly headed boys?"

"Sure, if their nice."

Okay, but Richies not exactly nice.

"I see. Have any plans? I heard there's a carnival this weekend."

"I'm suppose to hang out with Stan and Bill after school— but hey, I just remembered something," Eddie set his color pencils down and looked up at mike. "Hm?"

"Stan and Bill— they said that the boy you were sitting with at lunch,"

heck. my covers blown Mike thought. "Who? Richie?"

" yeah, they said he's bad. Are you with bad people?"

"No! Richies not...bad... he's just... different." Mike stumbled out the words, trying to seem like he wasn't secretly talking to Eddie for Richie.

"Oh, well my ma' said to stay away from him. That he's nothing but trouble and I don't need to get mixed in that. So I would never be around him." Eddie stated matter-of-factly.

"But what if he's good?"

"I don't think so."

Mike sighed and turned his attention back to his drawing. So much for that.

"Who's Stan and Bill? Your friends?" Mike asked, changing the subject

"My best friends, you've never met them? You know everyone!" Eddie giggled

"I guess not. Maybe I could meet them at lunch tomorrow?" Maybe this was the perfect opportunity to get Eddie close to Richie

"But... you sit with Richie..." Eddie sadly looked down at his picture. Eddies sad face could break a-hundred hearts, including Mikes. "Then maybe some other time!" Mike tried to cheer Eddie up.

Eddie smiled and nodded. He ripped the paper from his sketch book and handed the yellow sunflower to Mike.
"For you" he held the paper out for mike.

Mike took it with a gentle smile and thanked Eddie.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"You guys r-ready?" Bill asked Stan and Eddie after school. They both nodded and hopped on their bikes with bags on their backs.

They stopped at the edge of the woods. They set their bikes down and began walking.

"H-he told me he w-was going to th-the barrens... last t-t-time I saw him..." Billy led the group through the trees. Stan warily stayed in the back, tucking his hands into his sports jacket.

"Did he... did he say anything? Before he left?" Eddie carefully worded his sentence. Bill was awfully touchy.

He turned to look at Eddie, "he s-said 'I'll see you i-in an hour'."

Eddie nodded and put his head down like a dog who was just shamed. "I'll g-go this way. Split u-up" Bill ordered and headed west.

Once he was out of sight Stan grumbled, "screw that. I'm not splitting up." He joined eddies side and they walked north.

"It's Monday. Why are we doing this?"

"For Bill"

"Eddie... it's been almost a month... if he was lost in these woods he'd be... he'd be gone by now..."

"I don't think so. You know Georgie, he's tough." Eddie wiped away a tear at the thought of Georgie.

"Remember when we'd go to their house every Saturday? I'd bring Georgie a strawberry candy from my parents shop and then we'd all watch a movie? Or the times we would go to the quarry and you'd play catch with him?" He wiped a few tears away and Stan rubbed his arm soothingly.

"I remember,"

They heard leafs crack on their left and their heads snapped towards the noise.

"Georgie?" Eddie called out

They followed the noise, coming up with nothing. They continued walking and soon they could hear the sound of a waterfall.

Soft cries came from a near by tree and the two followed it cautiously. They ended up finding a crying Bill. His face was stained with tears and he sat on his knees, letting his tears fall on to his lap.

"Bill...." Eddie walked over to Bill and joined him on the ground. He embraced him in a tight hug that Bill returned. Stan joined them and wrapped his much longer arms around the two.

"I'm s-s-sorry I dragged y-you guys out h-here. I know h-he's d-d-dead but I c-can't stop
s-searching!" Bill cried into eddies shoulder.

"Shh.... we can keep looking. For as long as you want..." Eddie reassured as he rubbed soothing circles on his back.
"I w-want to go h-home" bill stuttered

"Then that's what we'll do" stan joined.

The ride back to Bills empty house was quiet. His house was gray, surrounded by a cloud of sad.

Sharon and Zack were gone, as expected. something that Bill was use to. The trash was overflowing and the sink was filled with dishes.

"I have to go home, but I'll see you tomorrow" Stan rubbed the back of his neck and checked his watch. "Goodnight Bill"

Eddie noticed the flash of red across bills cheeks quickly. Once Stan was gone he smirked at his best friend. "Bill...?"


"You're blushing...."

Bill turned redder and rubbed his cheeks, "n-no I'm n-not..."

"You can't lie to me Bill, I can see your heart eyes"

"I just... I l-like him y-you know?"

"I know,"

"like, a l-lot"

"I know."


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