Chapter Fourty- Love is Meant to be Shared

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   40  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

please read the message at the bottom of this chapter when you're finished.

The paper room was the Losers safe place.

Nobody knew where it was, and not many knew it even existed as it hid away in the back of the school. So whenever they had free time, that's where they hid.

It's where they never talked about eddies scars. It's what Eddie wanted.

And it's where they never talked about Georgie. That's what Bill wanted.

Ben was working on a new poem with Beverly watching from a distance. Bill sat quietly, tracing over the scars on his wrist through his shirt sleeve. Eddie sat between Richies legs on the floor with his back against Richies chest. Mike and Stan sat on the only couch that the losers had brought in one day that use to be in the Denbroughs basement.

Stan looked at Mike and gave him a short nod, followed by his hand walking into his.

"Guys. We have something to tell you" mike spoke through the silence

Everyone looked at Mike and Stan, stopping what they were doing.

"We're dating." Stan finally concluded. It felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Keeping their relationship secret was tiring and he wanted to show Mike off and be able to hold his hand whenever he felt.

Eddie looked over at Bill instantly, knowing that bill had a crush on Stan. And just as he thought, Bill looked like he was about to cry. He reached over and put his hand on top of Bills that was resting on his knee.

" what? For how long?" Ben asked, dropping his pencil on his desk.

"Um.... a month-ish?" Mike answered, sheepishly looking at Stan.

"A month! And you didn't tell us! Stan the fucking man you rascal!" Richie smiled at Stan who rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless.

"I'm happy for you guys. I had my suspicions" Beverly had always noticed every time one of the boys stared too long or reached out like he was going to kiss the other.

"If you guys are happy, then I support" Eddie quietly spoke up, staying aware of Bills feelings.

Stan and Mike thanked everyone.

But Bill stayed quiet, staring off into space and staying completely still.

Soon, lunch was over and the bell for fifth period rang. Everyone dispersed not noticing that Bill stayed behind, except for Eddie, who knew his best friend all too well.

Richie looked back at Eddie with a questioning look.

"Go to class, I need to talk to Bill about a homework assignment" Eddie lied

Richie shrugged and kissed eddies cheek goodbye. Eddie closed the door behind him and turned around to face Bill.

"You okay?" He asked softly

Bill shook his head no and Eddie immediately wrapped him in a hug. He couldn't see Bills face but knew he was crying.

"I r-really like h-him. I didn't know
h-he liked M-Mike" Bill cried, burying his face in Eddies shoulder as Eddie rubbed his back.

"I know Billy. I didn't know they liked each other either." He spoke quietly, as if he were any louder Bill would shatter.

"I'm s-so stupid! Stan c-could never like me l-like that" he clutched on to the back of eddies sweater, hugging him tighter

"It'll be okay," Eddie ran his fingers through Bills hair to try and calm him

"N-Nobody loves me" Bills voice was a whisper but Eddie heard it clearly

"I love you Bill"

But Bill knew that it was fake. That he only said it so he'd stop crying and get over it. It is just a dumb crush after all.

Bill loosened his grip from Eddie and pulled away. Eddies face had 'pity' written all over it and that's not what Bill wanted. So without a word he left the paper room, running all the way home as tears dried on his face.

Eddie just wanted Bill to be ok.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

He was running with no destination.

Where was he suppose to go? To his parents that had left to New York a month ago and never called to say bye? To his best friend that pities his existence? Or to the boy he was in love with but didn't return the feelings?

He couldn't cry anymore. His eyes were dried as if he had run out of tears to cry. But the ache in his heart stayed present, pounding against his chest and making his stomach feel empty. His legs became tired as he continued to run, as fast as he could past town and through the trees.

Bill finally ran out of energy and stopped, bending over to catch his breath and prop himself up on his knees. He gasped for breath, his chest heaving and whimpers slipping pasts his lips as his eyes burned.

He looked up slightly to see that he had stopped just before the edge of a cliff. He stood up straight and peered down the high drop. Below sat piles of jagged rocks and puddles of water from the quarry.

It was almost welcoming.

I'm sorry.

let's start with that.

I know I've been an awful author by leaving you guys hanging. And I'm sorry, it was very unprofessional of me.


I'm going to be publishing a new book today!!

Please go leave some love and comment😘

It's called "BITE" and it's a REDDIE AU were Eddie is a vampire and the rest of the losers are other mythical creatures.

i know I shouldn't be starting a new book when this one is still in the process but I wanted to so ha.

don't worry though!
I will still be updating this book.


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