chapter one

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"ira-reice! i need you to take on a couple of tables tonight too, alright? amara's sick."

i sigh, trying hard not to let my face show how i really feel and give a firm nod at the person.

"of course, sienna." i force a tight smile as i glance up at the bar manager, who immediately dismissed me before walking away. sienna's a complete bitch. i hate her.

she's just a bitter woman who gets her kicks out of overworking the poor desperate souls like myself, who are forced to try and earn a living here in, 'big will's bar'. that really is the name, which is funny, since will—the owner—is a very short man.

the 'big' must be for his ego because any other explanation for the name just grosses me the fuck out.

"hey, gorgeous. set me up with a jack and cola, with your number on the side."

i smile sweetly at the weaselly looking man across the bar from me, grabbing the liquor to pour into a tall glass before topping it up with soda. "here's your drink. minus my number."

he grumbles something, before tossing a few crumbled bills at me with a scoff. i cut my eyes as he turns to go.

"you know, you'd make better tips if you flirted a little bit." lily, my co-worker whispers to me, shoving the crappy tip into our jar.

"i'm not flirting, and i'm definitely not giving my number out to anyone. i'm here to make drinks and earn money. that's it."

"girl." she shakes her head at me, a roll of her huge green eyes coming my way. "sex sells, in case you haven't noticed. yeah we're here to make money, but we're not tryna start a feminist movement. it wouldn't kill you to try."

"it might." i mutter, before heading down to my end of the bar.

i can't even remember the last time i openly flirted. it was ages ago, back when i actually believed in love and romance.

the last time i flirted, i ended up dating yet another waste of time, who yet again fooled me into believing that he was something he wasn't. and by something that he wasn't, i mean someone who wasn't married with a family.

i still feel sick over it, but not nearly as sick as i do for my son adonis, who by the way was the only good thing that piece of shit gave me.

the second that my ex found out that i was pregnant, he totally freaked. freaked as in he turned into the most raging and craziest person on the face of this planet.

he threatened me in every way possible. and since he was one of my professors, i had no choice but to keep my head down and shut my mouth until the semester ended.

after that, i transferred schools, but only right after i decided to meet up with his wife to let her know what kind of man she signed up to. i was already feeling awful for having been the other woman, and i couldn't live with myself had i not told her.

i mean i've been in her position before. too many women have been, and it always feels awful. i felt like she deserved to know.

so, i facebook stalked her for a few days, waited until she posted something on one of those yard sale sites that everyone tends to use nowadays, and i ended meeting up with her and spilling the beans.

what i hadn't expected though, was her reaction. because the woman didn't even care.

i had sat there in total shock for at least a full two minutes, as she had simply shrugged over the fact that her husband had an affair that later on resulted in having a child.

i completely lost my faith in relationships, and honestly my faith in humanity as well.

i transferred to a grad school in chicago, gave birth to my son adonis, and have busted my ass all by myself ever since, hell bent on making something out of my life that i was proud of and giving adonis everything he deserves. still currently working on that.

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