chapter twenty-two

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explicit scenes ahead.

"are you fucking kidding me right now?" she steps towards me, anger flashing in her eyes. "who in the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that? you are not the boss of me!" her finger presses into my chest hard as she continues to glare at me.

"jokes on you. i am your motherfucking boss."

"oh, fuck you. i work for you, yes. but that doesn't mean you get to control anything besides the job i was hired to do."

"you're not driving that car. in fact, where the keys at? i'm gonna go drive it off a cliff where it belongs."

"just make sure you're in it." ira snaps, grabbing up her wine glass and turning towards the door.

"no." i block the doorway leaving her with no escape. "you don't just get to run away every time we need to have a discussion. where are the keys, ira?" she tips back her glass in order to drain the wine from it.

"i don't need to tell you anything. move."


"no? you are so annoying. see? this is why i didn't wanna do this. and you know what, if this is how you're gonna act, then fuck it! i quit!"

"we made a deal, ira. and i've already paid for the school. you aren't leaving."

she balls her fists at her sides, her face turning red. "you're an bastard, seriously. i don't know when you became such a raging dickhead, but i'm so done with this. i'm sure you can get your money back. the semester hasn't even started yet."

"i really don't give a fuck about the money, ira. i just want you to be safe."

"i'm not yours to worry about anymore, odell! and when you act like this, good god. you drive me insane!"

"you will always be mine to worry about. why don't you fucking get that?" before she can resist, i have her swaddled securely into my arms and moulded against the wall. "you're always gonna be mine." i mumble, pressing my mouth against hers.

she freezes for a second before suddenly, her fighting stops and her arms hang around my neck whilst her hands begin to play with my hair.

moans leave her mouth as she opens wide for me, automatically shoving my tongue inside to explore her mouth, the taste of her and the wine she's been drinking intoxicate me until i can think of nothing else.

i reach underneath her and lift her up, forcing her legs to encase my waist as she gives me the perfect angle to stroke my erection against the place i've been desperate to visit again.

i suck on her lips hard as my hands loiter her body, groping and stroking her, a desperate need to feel every inch of her skin.

she tilts her head back as a large giggle leaves her, my lips travel from her mouth and down her neck whilst my hands continue to fumble all over her, stopping only once on her breast to brush against her nipple.

i wrench the thin strap of her tank top down, completely exposing her boobs.

my temptation results in myself letting my tongue lick a path from her neck down towards her breasts, and palming her nipple with my thumb before taking it into my mouth, biting gently and sucking hard.

"oh my god, dell. yes." her nails dig into my shoulders whilst i set her down after a few good sucks and sink to my knees in front of her. my mouth moves down her stomach, hearing her moan again with a buck of her hips towards my face as my fingers drop to her tiny sleep shorts.

pulling them down, my face drops as my nose runs a course up the inside of her thigh.

i spread her legs quickly, letting one drop over my shoulder and using my hand to spread her wide open for me. then i let myself reencounter the other set of her velvet lips.

i lick long and slow up her thigh for the last time, before letting my mouth land exactly where it needs to be.

"oh, so you wet wet." i smirk, her slickness coating my tongue. she hisses, feeling both of her hands fist into my hair as she pulls my head hard against her, bucking her hips into my face.

"i need you." she sighs, continuing to try and fuck my face.

and with that, i devour her. licking and sucking her hard, letting her moans and the way she grips me direct me as to what she needs.

the young ira that i remember was far less bold, but this woman? she knows exactly where she wants me and isn't afraid to show me.

i keep at my ferocious speed, flicking my tongue against her clit whilst slipping a finger inside of her to caress her spot. soon after, i feel her clamp down on my tongue and i drink down her release as she becomes limp in my arms.

her hands reach out for me once she's steady, and my shirt is tugged off, her eyes practically undressing me as her lip is played with her teeth. she then begins to fumble with my pants, yanking them down whilst dropping to her knees.

my dick springs free and hits my abdomen, looking down at her as i'm took into her mouth. her small hand pumps the rest of me, and my hand wraps into the back of her hair as low moans leave my mouth. but not long before she's even started, i pull her up and make her eyes snap open in question.

"can't." i shake my head, lifting underneath her ass and pressing her against the wall. "i need you right now."

i position myself at her entrance, watching her mouth hang open and my name leaving her mouth in a long moan as i slowly sink inside of her.

i pull back, before thrusting balls deep inside of her, letting the full sensation of her insides wrap around me like a glove. she's screaming out my name and grabbing my body hard, whilst her thighs drape over my arms as i hold onto her boobs and make love to her with everything i have.

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