chapter thirty-eight

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"she's not a piece of trash. ira's the most important person in my life. i've loved that girl since i was seventeen. and honestly, you may think you're something, but i fucking promise you. after having ira, i'd never go digging through the trash for a piece of you again." i mutter, before reaching up and trying to pull my shirt together, minus the buttons she ripped off.

i slam the bedroom door behind me and turn towards the stairs so fast, i totally miss the snap of a camera, catching me at the all time worst moment possible.

"ira." i swing the door open to our bedroom, my adrenaline still pumping from the very fucked up encounter i just had with braelin, before stopping dead in my tracks at the sight in front of me.

"baby?" i question, as i stare at the open suitcase on our bed, watching in horror as she shoves her clothes inside.

she barely even looks at me before grabbing more clothing from the closet and adding it to the suitcase.

"ira, baby. you gotta help me out here. what in the hell is going on? why did you just leave the party? and why the fuck are you packing?"

"i really don't want to do this right now. i didn't expect to see you until later. i figured we could talk about it in the morning."

"listen, baby. i can explain, okay? just, stop for a second and listen to me."

she freezes, before spinning towards me. "explain what, dell?"

"braelin. is this because of braelin? is that why you're leaving? ira, she cornered me. i was looking for you and she–"

her face turns sheet white as her eyes widen. she takes a step closer to me, before swallowing hard and reaching up, touching the spot on my shirt which no longer has buttons.

"oh my god." she breathes, before narrowing her eyes. "you fucking cheat!"

"baby, no. no, no! listen, i didn't do anything. she threw herself at me, and–"

"no?" she reaches up and shoves me hard, before her eyes turn wild. "look at you! your shirt is ripped open and you have bright red lipstick marks on your neck. i should have known better than to trust you. i should have fucking known!"


"no! don't go there, odell. okay? you don't need to explain anything to me. i don't even want to hear whatever bullshit excuse is about to come out of your mouth. all you ever do is spew bullshit and lies!"

"you don't know anything, because you're not even listening to a damn word that i'm saying! i'm telling you that nothing happened. but you? you were already here, packing your shit before you even saw me. so, what the fuck, ira? why are you running away this time? what is it now? because the last time i saw you, you were in love with me and we were getting married. and then i come home, and you have half of your shit packed up, ready to run away without any fucking explanation. so, what gives?"

"i just realized that this was never going to work out. and now?" her eyes narrow before leveling with mine. "now i'm one hundred percent certain that i was making the right choice."

she turns her back to me and storms to the closet, wrenching it back open and grabbing her things before tossing them back into the suitcase.

"oh, you just realized that? so, it's only your decision now, is that how this works? you just decide that you're done with me and i'm supposed to be ok with that?"

"and i'm just supposed to be happy with women throwing themselves at you?"

"like i can help that!"

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