chapter thirty-one

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"he's fast asleep." i set a glass of wine in front of ira, who is leaned back against a lounge chair in front of the pool, before sinking down next to her and sipping my drink.

"thank you." she reaches for the wine, taking a long sip before sighing. "today was hectic."

i nod slowly. what can i say about it? today was crazy. it didn't used to be quite so bad, back when we were a little freer to party it up. the cameras would get a few good shots of us out in the bars, and that had always been enough. but now, ever since chanel came and took over and even since she's resigned, things have changed.

our owner doesn't tolerate the bullshit anymore, and even landon has slowed his roll a bit. which is great for us but not so great for the press.

"there's already pictures online." she tosses her phone over to me and i grab it, scrolling through the newsfeed. i frown as i read the captions and stare at the pictures of my private moments that were blasted on social media and god knows where else.

"how do they know so much about me? how do they even know i'm your housekeeper?"

my mouth flattens as i scroll further down, seeing a particularly trashy article on how i'm, 'slumming it with the help'.

"every bit of this is shit. you know that, right? they make stuff up all the time. it's all just to tell a story, ira. please don't let it get to you."

"how can it not get to me? i'm not used to having a camera shoved in my face. i guess maybe i should start wearing makeup so that when they catch me taking out the trash, i don't look like it too."

"you'll never be taking out the trash, and furthermore, you don't need to wear makeup. you look beautiful in all of these photos."

"i'm still the help, so–"

"then you're fired." i smirk a little as her mouth flies open. "i mean, c'mon. i only hired you to get you here anyways. it was all a ploy to win you back."

she reaches up and smacks me on the arm. "you're getting a little ahead of yourself there, aren't you? who said you had already won me over?"

"you did." i reach out, running my thumb along her plump lower lip. "this mouth right here said it."

"again, you caught me in a moment."

"you came to my game today and sat in the spouse's box. you wore my number proudly on that fine ass body, and then you held my hand on the way out. pretty sure that makes us official." i wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"you kill me."

i fly into her chair, wrapping my arms tightly around her before sinking back, pulling her flush against me. "what can i do to fix this?" i pull her as close to me as i can get her, tightening my grip so she can't decide to jump up and bolt.

"obviously, nothing. this is all normal for you, and you seem used to it. i'm not used to it. and if this is the norm of being with you? odell–"

"no." i shake my head, before reaching underneath her and lifting her up and onto my lap so she's facing me. "don't, ira. please. don't let this get in the way. baby, i'm just getting started with you again."

she exhale softly, squeezing her eyes shut. "i just don't–"

i can feel her slipping away from me and i can't stand to lose her. especially not when it's the damn media that's driving her away. i need to refresh her mind on just how good it can be with me.

even though she got to remember it last night and this morning, she apparently needs to remember it again. and i'm not above using my sexual power over her to take her mind off all the things that could go wrong. i spin us around, laying her flat in the lounge chair before kissing her lips.

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