chapter thirty-three

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"i think we should focus on the aspect of foster care regarding children with depressive mood disorders. it will really bring attention to a subject that needs it and i think it would be an interesting case study."

"that's funny. it's like you read my mind." i spin my laptop around so that it's facing jamal, showing him the research that i had already started on the exact same subject.

"great minds." he leans in, nudging me with his shoulder. "i think we make a pretty good team."

"i agree." i nod, bookmarking my sites and quickly emailing them to him. "this should be a easy subject to research."

"good. how do you wanna break this up? do you wanna look up some case studies, or would you rather research the disorder itself?"

"i'd rather do the case studies. research isn't really my thing."

we spend another thirty minutes or so discussing how we want this presentation to look. by the time we're done, we're both laughing and have gotten off topic and onto talking about other things.

i look around, noticing that the entire library has emptied out, leaving just the two of us left inside.

"oh, wow." i glance up at the clock on the wall. "time got away from me." i quickly rise before gathering up my things. "i've really got to get going. i told my sitter i would be home about fifteen minutes ago." i toss my bag over my shoulder.

"shit. i hope you won't be in any trouble." he too gathers his things quickly, pressing his hand to the small of my back and leading me towards the door.

his touch doesn't exactly make me uncomfortable, but at the same time, it isn't wanted either. i take a step to the side, forcing his hand to drop.

"i'm sorry, ira. i wasn't tryna make you feel uncomfortable–" he shakes his head before falling into step alongside me. "just a habit i guess."

"no worries." we reach the doors and head for the parking lot. "it's just that, well. jamal. i hope that you aren't getting the wrong idea. i kind of have a boyfriend."

"of course you do." he flashes me another grin as we walk towards my car. "the beautiful ones are always taken."

i hear him say it, yet i don't process it. because as we near my car, i see a figure standing in front of it, leaning against the hood.

"ira." jamal grabs onto my elbow, pulling me to a stop. "stay here."

my heart begins to pound and i nod, before taking a step backwards and fumbling for my phone. "i've got 911 programmed." i hiss at him, as he continues to hold a finger at me to stay still while he approaches my car.

i feel obligated to follow him slightly, but i keep enough distance behind him so that i can run for help if needed. but then, the figure pushes off my car and takes a few long strides towards us. i see the way that the figure moves and, well. i would know those movements anywhere.


the light from the lamppost hits his face, and i stand there, still somewhat frozen as he glances between jamal and i whilst continuing to come towards me.

"you know this guy?" jamal asks, turning his head to face me as odell steps between us and wraps a protective arm around me.

"of course, she knows me." he mutters, wrapping his arms around me. "she's mine." his gruff words are forced through clenched teeth as he glares at jamal, before his mouth mashes down on mine. i wrap my arms around him before pulling back, suddenly not even caring that jamal is still standing right next to me.

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