chapter twenty-one

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"you've managed to take care of yourself and your son, all while working towards your goals. you've provided for him as best as you can and honestly, i think it's really impressive what you've done. you're better off without him and you've done well for yourself." i smile. "i don't think there's many people out there who could do everything that you've achieved. you're a strong woman, ira."

"thanks." she grins at her plate. "it hasn't been that easy, that's for sure. and a lot of times i've felt like giving up. but, i can't give up on giving my son a better life. he's pretty much my driving force."

"thank god for that." i chuckle, making her look at me. "if it wasn't for him, you would have never agreed to be here and this breakfast wouldn't be in front of me."

"i'm glad you like it."

"i really do."

we both turn our attention back to our breakfast, not speaking again until ira begins to gather up the dishes.

"no way." i frown, grabbing them out of her hands. "i don't care what your job consists of. you cooked, i clean. that's the way it goes."

"fine. i'm not gonna argue with that." she showcases a brilliant smile, carrying the dishes to the dishwasher and beginning to load it.

"so, before you head out for the day, can we still go over that schedule? if you don't have time you could always just message it to me." she shrugs. "i just need to form a plan for cooking and cleaning. i just wanna know which nights you'll be home so that i can plan accordingly."

"yeah, sure. i have a couple of hours before i need to be at practice today."

"alright. good." she nods, grabbing out a pad of paper and a pen. "can we start with the grocery list? i mean, i just need to know your usual stuff, the things that i need to buy each week. dinner stuff i can handle on my own."

we go over the list and then move onto cleaning. i basically give her no direction there. since frankly, i could care less whether or not she cleans a thing. my whole goal here was just to get her back into my house. and then hopefully, back into my life completely. but for now, baby steps.

i give her chanel's contact information for the game itinerary and then we're left with nothing to go over.

"okay. thanks, odell. i'm gonna get to work on this stuff. i guess i'll see you later."

"alright. but, ira?"


she glances back at me and i motion to the keys hanging from the board on the wall. "take whatever car you want. just promise me you won't go out and buy some piece of shit behind my back."

"i won't." she shrugs, spinning back around and heading towards the stairs.

"so, tell me. exactly what is the matter with you? how come you hired that woman?"

i shake my head at landon before picking up my helmet. "listen. there's more to the story. plus, it's none of your damn business."

"did i strike a nerve?" landon cackles, turning his attention to the rest of the guys. "beckham's got it bad!"

"landon." i warn, my voice low. "watch yourself."

"if i could, i totally would." he rolls his eyes. "there is nothing that i would rather watch than myself. with a girl, of course. but i'm just tryna look out for you. she's got a kid and hell–that means all kinds of trouble. she probably sees you as a one way ticket to easy living."

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