chapter thirty-five

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it certainly wasn't enough to make me immediately run right into his arms. it's taken a hell of a lot to get us to where we are right now.

"good." she smiles. "i figured that was the case, but i had to ask."

i glance around the store before sinking onto the bench next to her. "can i tell you something without it going any further than us?" she smiles and nods, and i know without a doubt i can trust her. she's just one of those people, you know?

"odell asked me to marry him last night."

"what!" she shrieks, before waving her hands wildly. "how have you been keeping that a secret all day? oh my god!" she claps her hands together whilst squealing. "that's nearly the best news i've heard in a while."

"i said no."

her mouth drops open in question. "what? but, why? i thought–"

"the timing was off."

she freezes, shaking her head slightly. "the timing was off? but i mean, still–that's a lot for him to put himself out there like that. what if he's afraid to ask again?" her question takes me off guard because well, i never really thought about it like that.

"do you wanna marry him?"

i weigh her question for a long time, finally nodding my head after a long think. "yeah, i do. someday."

"but what if that day needed to be today? if you know, gun to your head, you had to decide today. would you marry him today?"

i nod. "yes." i swallow hard as i realise i didn't even need to think about that answer. of course, i would marry odell today. because no matter what he's done to me, or what kind of time has passed between us? i still am head over heels in love with the man.

and he's done nothing except try to show me that, while the entire time, i have done nothing but have one foot out the door, ready to leave over the slightest issue.

"oh my god." i finally breathe. i look up at her with panicked eyes. "what if i really screwed up this time, what if he doesn't wanna ask me again? you know, for fear of rejection?"

she smiles over at me, before reaching out her hand and placing it on my shoulder. "he will. you may just have to wait for it."

"i'm fine with skipping this entire thing." odell tells me, pulling me off the cobblestone walkway and towards the dim garden light. "i'm being serious, baby. i would love to take you home and let this dress lay on the bedroom floor."

"stop it." i smack his chest playfully, as he pulls me in close before running his nose along my neck. he breathes in deep and then groans, gripping his arm around me tighter.

"i can't stop it. and i have no idea how i'm gonna make it through the night. you look amazing, ira. and bringing you in here and having to watch every damn man stare at you this fine evening is gonna kill me."

"you'll live. but you're giving me way too much credit here. i'm glad you like the dress."

"i love the dress." he pulls back slightly, before winking at me and exhaling. "and i love you too."

i let his words wash over whilst glancing up to meet his stare. "i love you too, odell."

he closes his eyes, smiling wide before pulling me in and smacking a kiss to my lips. "best thing i've ever had."

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