chapter five

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six years ago..

"you're ira-reice?" i stare at the woman in front of me, who is standing in the hallway wearing nothing more than a towel.

"um, yeah." her face turns bright red as she clutches the towel tightly against her body. "you must be odell."

i nod, unable to find any words as my eyes trail her up and down and then back down to where the white towel meets the soft mounds of her chest.

the way that omari copeland talked about his little girl, i guess i expected just that. a little girl. maybe a young teen, shy and mousy, i'm not sure. but what i didn't expect was a fully grown hot ass woman with a fire body.

"uh, well. it was nice to meet you. but i should probably be getting some clothes on."

"you should definitely be getting some clothes on." my voice is hoarse as i force my words out.

she nods before turning and hurrying down the hallway, giving me one last look over her shoulder before opening her door and shutting it hard behind her.

six years ago

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six years ago..

i stumble down the stairs and into the kitchen, making my way to the coffee pot. i have no idea why i agreed to work out with laci this morning.

i'm in such a fog that i'm paying about zero attention to where i'm going, which leads me smacking myself face first into odells' chest. once i hit him i bounce back and lose my footing.

i cry out as i begin to tumble backwards, but right before i hit the ground, two strong arms grab hold of me, catching me before i fall.

"you should really watch where you're going." he winks down at me, causing butterflies to erupt just about anywhere.

"i'm so sorry, are you okay?"

a huge smile flashes across his lips, hearing him chuckle. "yeah, i'm fine. you weigh what, probably ninety pounds soaking wet? i should be the one asking you if you're okay."

"i'm fine." i grumble, stepping past him.

he chuckles again, as i move towards the coffee pot. i reach for it, and slam down my fist with such force that the items on top of the counter shake slightly. the stupid thing is totally empty.

"everything okay?"

i exhale long and slow before my shoulders slump. "no, i really need coffee. i swear i set the timer last night."

he reaches past me to flip on the switch. "calm down, ira. it only takes a few seconds."

i slump into one of the island chairs, placing my arms on the table and resting my head on top of them. "i can't function without it." i mutter, before sighing hard. "and i'm already irritated about having to be up so early."

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