chapter seventeen

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i'm momentarily disoriented when my eyes open. but when i realise where i am, my blood freezes in my veins and all the events of last night come tumbling back down on me.

i glance over to adonis, who is still sound asleep in the bed next to me. in odell's bed.

i swallow hard, attempting to get myself together, and trying to ignore the way my skin smells like him. like i've wrapped myself in a blanket of him all night long. i throw back the covers before hopping out of bed.

i pace for a few seconds in the room, trying to decide exactly how i'm gonna deal with this, when the smell of coffee seeps into the room.

instantaneously i'm creeping to the door, tugging odells' t-shirt down as far as it would go. when i'm two steps out of the room, my eyes snap up to the sight in front of me.

odell stands there, leaning against the island, wearing nothing more than a loose pair of gym shorts. his hair is ruffled and every muscle in his arms and back are flexed from his grip on the island. and of course my stupid knees go weak.

yes, the man is fine. but the way he makes my heart and body react is not okay.

he turns around slowly as the floor creaks from underneath my feet and as our eyes meet, a slow and easy smile spreads across his lips.

"morning, ira." his voice is still laced with sleep, sounding sexy as hell, watching him run his hands through his hair before gesturing towards the coffee pot.

"still take cream and sugar?" he reaches for a mug, pouring the lifesaving liquid into it before motioning for me to sit down.


he fixes my coffee as i sit down and even though i try hella hard, i can't manage to pry my eyes off of him.

odell was always in shape and had muscles that seemed to go on for miles. and while i know my thoughts that are running rampant inside of me are unwelcome and awful, i'm gonna try to calm myself from getting too overexcited.

he sets my coffee down in front of my awaiting hands, and sinks into the chair across from me, causing my heart to race.

i shake my head as he opens his mouth to speak, desperately trying to get a firm hold of my emotions, before i say or do anything stupid.

"let me get, half of this in me before we start to talk about anything."

he flashes me a crooked smirk and nods. "some things never change."

i don't rise to the bait and tell him that some things have definitely changed. such as, my feelings for him.

except that would be a complete and utter lie. since obviously, my feelings for him have never changed. at least not the ones that involve my body, my heart is still a touchy subject.

i take my time, sipping my coffee and force my eyes not to meet his.

his stare is intense, whilst he leans back in his chair to showcase his gorgeous ripped stomach that was decorated with the little trails of veins that i most definitely know leads down to a place that would give heaven a run for its' money.

i eventually find the courage to open my mouth, still not daring to look him in the eye as i cross my leg over the other.

"so, thank you for letting adonis and i stay here last night. once he's up we'll get out of your way."

"i don't think so." his eyes find me. "i have a proposition for you."

i divert my gaze to my coffee mug. "i'm gonna go head and pass."

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