chapter twenty-three

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the very last thing i wanna do today is to face odell. last night was a mistake. a huge mistake.

i knew that coming back here and forcing myself to be around odell would be playing with fire. all it took was one week for me to fall back into his arms, letting the same man who cheated on me, fuck me against a wall.

and the second i step into the kitchen only to find odell there, shirtless and leaning against the counter. my heart begins to race and my resolve fades.

"good morning, beautiful." he greets me, flashing me a smile over the top of his orange juice before leaning over and placing a smack on my ass.

"no." i point at him. "no, it's too early for this." i grumble, stalking to the coffee pot and pouring myself a hefty cup.

"sleep well, baby?" he totally ignores my need to not have this conversation as he presses his body up against my back with his lips caressing my shoulders.

"odell, please."

"please what?" his voice is low whilst he moulds his hips against my ass, letting me feel him and his erection that's present.

"stop." i whimper, nearly begging, as he chuckles and takes a step back.

"okay, okay. i'll let you wake up."

i avoid eye contact with him, taking my coffee mug across the room as far away as i can get without leaving the kitchen.

"i slept like a baby." he smirks and walks towards me. "best i've slept in a long time. the only way i could have slept better is if you were in bed with me."

"oh my god." i mutter, pinching the bridge of my nose in embarrassment. "odell, seriously–"

"actually, let's be honest." he closes the distance between us, coming so close i have to set my mug on the island so i don't spill it. "if you were in my bed last night, we wouldn't of gotten any sleep at all. would we?"

the last words are drawn out, making my breath catch in my throat. and then he bends over, his face inches from mine as he takes my ass in his hands with another huge squeeze.

"dell–" i breathe, my voice sounding way too ragged for my liking. "please."

"please what, baby. please lean you back up against this wall and make you cum–"

"mama." adonis' voice interrupts, causing both of our attentions to snap over at him.

"hey, baby." i push against odells' chest and make a run for my son, scooping him up and resting him on my hip.

odell leans over me, ruffling adonis' curls. "hey there, lil man. you're up early." adonis grins widely, showcasing his teeth before i set him down in a chair at the island.

"you hungry, baby?"

"very." odell says with a smug smile, noticing how his eyes bore into my own.

"not you." i kiss my teeth, turning my full attention to adonis.

"yes, mama."

i busy myself making a quick breakfast, trying to ignore the fact that adonis has now moved onto odells' lap and the two of them are now colouring in together.

i refuse to let his kindness towards my son break down my wall. i know first hand what it feels like to let him in, only to be completely obliterated by his hands.

"adonis, guess what?" odell leans over to him after clearing the dishes.

"what?" adonis' eyes gleam with excitement, whilst odell leans down to whisper something in his ear. i watch as adonis' mouth drops open and he claps his hands with joy.

"yes." he exclaims, before looking up at me. "mom, we're gonna have a pool party today."

"we are?" i raise an eyebrow at odell.

"yeah. i mean, if you're okay with it. i thought that it would be a good family day. eli manning from my team is gonna come over with his little guy isaac, and then sterling and chanel. that sound good to you? issac is about adonis' age. so they can play together."

"um, yeah. sure." i shrug. "i didn't really have anything major planned for today."

"no?" he winks at me. "at least not until later, right?"

"i had nothing planned for today." i repeat, looking towards adonis. "let's go get you cleaned up then."

adonis nods before looking back at odell. "what about the surprise?"

odell grins, taking a few steps near me. "i'm gonna cover your eyes, and you're gonna have to trust me. we have a surprise for you."

i can hear adonis squealing with excitement as odell covers my eyes with his hands. i'm pulled tightly against him, swallowing hard as i'm lurched forward. i hear the front door open and then we step down the front steps.

"okay, okay!" adonis shouts. "let mama see!"

"okay, baby." odell whispers into my ear. "you ready?"

his teeth gently nibble my lobe for a second, causing an unwelcome pang in between my legs before he takes a step back and drops his hands.

"what in the hell–"

"do you like it, mama?" adonis smiles, pointing to the all black jeep wrangler sitting in the driveway, complete with a big red bow on top.

"what is this?" i turn my attention to odell who now has my son in his arms and is heading down the steps towards the car.

"it's your new car." he grins widely at me before opening the back door and setting adonis inside. "see, buddy? it has a tv, so you can watch all of your shows while mommy drives."

"oh, cool!" i hear adonis say, but that's about all i can hear over the noise in my head.

"odell." i try to keep my voice down as i step down the stairs. "i did not need a car."

"we're gonna have to agree to disagree on that one, baby."

"no we're not. i told you, i already bought a goddamn car."

"like i said, you bought a death trap. this car is safer."

"my car is just fine." i force out through clenched teeth, trying to not explode right in front of my son.

"no it wasn't." he crosses his arms. "i got you a better one."

"well, i'm not driving it."

"yes you are."

we stand directly in front of each other, both staring each other down before i finally reach into the car and snatch adonis out of it.

"c'mon, let's go inside."

"ira." odell starts up the stairs after me.

i open the door and point for adonis to go inside before i lose it. "just wait one second for me, baby. okay?" i nod at him, shutting the door and spun around to face odell. "no." i wave my hand in the direction of the car. "take that back. i'm not driving it."

"you're gonna have to. i've already disposed of your car."

"you did what?" my anger skyrockets as i look across the driveway to the spot where i parked my car last night, only to see the spot totally empty. i scream, turning on my heel and storming towards the door.

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