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"pee on it."

"dell. stop being so damn bossy!" his hands fly to his hips as he stares down at me, to where i am sitting against the bathroom wall after just having lost the entire contents of my stomach. "i really think that it's just a bug. i felt totally fine yesterday."

"and i think that you have a little baby inside of you. so, pee on the stick."


"you're just not gonna do it because i told you to." he mutters, before leaning back against the counter.

"no, i'm not gonna do it because i think that it's a waste of time right now. we've already done this so many times. i really don't wanna get my hopes up and then be let down again."

"but the doctor said you would be fertile again after six months." o waves the stick at me, making me roll my eyes.

"it's only been five."

"i'm pretty sure that my sperm are superstars though." he grins wide before motioning down his body. "kind of like the rest of me."

i pretend to need to puke again, making him roll his eyes. "you're seriously killing me here."

"you're killing me. i just wanna see if that's why you're sick. i mean i've planted a lot of seeds in you lately." he grins down at me smugly.

our marriage was a whirlwind since we only had a few days to plan it. but it went off without a hitch. we got married here, right in the backyard of our own house, with just a small group of people present. it was perfect and honestly, life since has been perfect also.

i managed to finish out my last year of school but honestly, i haven't even spent any time finding a job. odell is adamant about me staying home with adonis, and of course, all our future children.

and while i've always managed to take care of myself, now, i really don't have to. plus if i'm being honest, i don't really wanna work right now. i'm perfectly content being a stay at home mom and wife to my superstar husband. i have no shame in that whatsoever.

we haven't had to deal with any of the outside world too much and have been pretty content to live in our own little bubble as a family. but all that changes today. today we are heading to florida, for spring training. and i couldn't have picked a worse time to be sick.

"i almost think that adonis and i should just wait and catch another flight." i mutter, as another wave of nausea nearly knocks me over.

"i really think you should just pee on the damn stick and make your husband happy." he thrusts the stick in my face with a pleading look.

"fine." i snatch the stick out of his hand before standing on shaky legs. "but you gotta get out."

"you're funny, ira." he reaches out, lifting me up and tryna help me sit on the toilet.

"dell, for the love of god, i have a stomach ache. i am not crippled."

"i'm not leaving and letting you fall."

"you're not gonna sit here and watch me pee!"

he throws his hands up before heading to the door. "i'm right outside. let me know when you're done and do not move off that toilet until i get back in here."

i thought that odell tryna steamroll me at every turn would stop once we were married and he knew for sure that he would have me forever. to some extent, it has. but he still tries to boss me around and is over the top with his coddling of me.

with any other man, i think i would absolutely lose my shit over it. but this is dellie. my dellie. and i know that's just who he is. protective to a fault, of both me and of adonis.

whatever it takes - odell beckham jr. Where stories live. Discover now