chapter thirty-seven

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they had something together. whether just sexual or not, still. i feel foolish for not having really thought any of this through.

as the giggles erupt from braelin and her possé, i realise that i've got to get the fuck out of here. i can't sit here for one more second and allow myself to be made a fool of. enough is enough.

i set my wine back onto the bar top before quickly grabbing my purse and hustling out of the ballroom as fast as my feet can carry me.


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"hey." chanel grabs my arm, pulling my attention away from mr. ellis and the director of the hospital that we just raised a shit load of money for. "something's up with ira. she didn't look so good. i caught her leaving the bathroom and honestly, she looked about ready to pass out."

"seriously?" i glance back to the bar where i spied her just a few moments ago before my eyes travel across the room to the exit. "where is she now?"

"i think she left. she was calling for a cab when i walked away. i told her to sit tight and that i would come to get you, but she was adamant she didn't want to bother you since she knew that you needed to mingle."

"thanks." i nod at her, before giving a slight wave to both men and heading towards the door. i'm just about to the door when an all too familiar face stops me, and i'm suddenly hit her perfume.

"odell." she purrs, reaching out her hand and placing it on my arm. "it's so good to see you. i've been tryna call you for weeks." braelin pouts, ignoring the fact i just told her i didn't have time to talk. "i've been hoping that we could catch up."

i sigh hard, tryna bypass her but unable. i know exactly what her definition of catch up is. and while a few months ago, i would have most definitely wanted that with her, these days? not a chance.

"nothing for us to catch up about, braelin. i haven't returned your calls because i'm with someone. actually, i'm getting married. so, if you could just excuse me–"

"married?" her mouth drops open for a split second before she regains her composure. "you're getting married? wow, well that's just, fabulous. lucky girl."

"i'm the lucky one." i try to step past her, but again, she steps in front of me. "braelin, if you don't mind, i really need to find someone."

"your fiancé? the one not wearing an engagement ring?" her eyebrows raise before a smug smile crosses her lips.

"yes. that's the one."

"must not be very high maintenance, if she's agreed to be your wife without the rock."

"oh, she'll get the rock." at this point, i'm just frankly annoyed as fuck that braelin will not move out of my way. "not every woman needs that though. some are actually in it for love."

"hmm, i see. well, if you're looking for her, i can show you where she is."

"you can?"

she nods, before tilting her head towards the staircase. "yeah. since you and i are old friends and all, when i saw her looking ill, i showed her a place to lay down. i'm guessing she must be pregnant or something?"

"what?" my eyes widen, as the thought circles inside of me. i wonder for a split second if that's why ira wasn't feeling well, but i don't allow my mind to go there. that would just get my hopes up.

i grin, before shaking my head. "but, she's not. what gave you that idea?"

braelin shrugs before leading me towards the staircase. "she looked like it. plus, i just figured that's why you were marrying her." from behind her, i roll my eyes.

ira doesn't even remotely look pregnant, and plus, that would hands down be the best thing that ever happened to me, aside from winning back her love and having adonis in my life.

but braelin wouldn't understand that, nor do i feel the need to explain myself to her. she's probably one of the most self-absorbed people i've ever met and would never understand the idea of loving someone for who they are and not for what they can give you.

what we had was never serious, it was always only about the sex. i would be lonely and need a fix, and she was always more than willing to give it to me.
there were never any feelings or strings attached. it was always just a guaranteed booty call.

"she's up here?" i question, as braelin sashays her hips up the staircase and towards the landing.

"yes, of course. she needed to lay down."

"damn." i mutter, feeling like a royal asshole that ira was this sick and i had no idea. she seemed completely fine earlier. maybe it was something that she ate, or maybe our hour-long romp in the closet.

i follow braelin to a door that she cracks open slightly before nodding her head inside. "she's in there."

"alright. thanks, brae."

"of course." she winks at me as i step into the room.

but before i'm two steps inside, the door slams shut behind me and suddenly braelin's hands are all over me.

"oh, odell, we can cut to the chase now. she's not in here, it's just you and me."

before i can even get a word out, her dress is dropped to the floor, leaving her in nothing more than a pair of black lace panties that are barely covering anything.

her large, tanned breasts are out and completely exposed to me, as she tosses her hair over her shoulder and grabs ahold of my neck.

"i've missed you so much." she murmurs, before pressing her lips to mine.

i jerk back, pushing her away from me, but she is nothing if not persistent. her breasts are pressed back against me in about two seconds flat.

"braelin, what the fuck?" i pull away as she pouts but continues to come towards me.

"oh, dell. c'mon. you don't have to pretend anymore. there's no one else around, watching. we can still do this, and i promise. your fiancé will never find out. you know me, i can keep a secret. my lips are sealed."

she pretends to zipper her mouth shut, before grinning wickedly at me and dropping to her knees in front of me.

"they can also be sealed around this, too." she reaches up, grabbing my dick through my pants and groaning before tugging hastily at the zipper.

"fuck." i growl, jumping back from her, as she jumps to a standing position and follows me towards the door.

"odell, really? you're gonna say no to this?"

"listen, braelin. i appreciate the gesture, really, i do. however, i'm not a single guy anymore. i'm in love, and i'm getting married. what we had was just sex, and i'm not in that place in my life anymore. so, this?" i motion between her body and mine as i pull at the door. "this can never happen again."

"oh, fuck you, odell!" brae reaches down for her dress, snatching it off the floor before turning her angry brown eyes my way. "go ahead and go home to your little piece of trash, but you will get bored of her, and maybe, i won't be waiting around for you when that happens."

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