chapter three

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"at least our waitress is hot." landon shrugs, glancing around the bar. "otherwise, i would of taken my ass straight back to the hotel. there's only dudes in here, and since i can't even get a decent drink," he cuts his eyes at chanel again. "at least i got her to look at."

i flex my hands from underneath the table. deep down i know that landon will not be making any moves on ira tonight, but i'm not about to announce that. these guys would ruin me endlessly, and probably make me look like an total idiot in front of her.

this is a delicate situation and i need to figure out a way to handle it, without involving any of these clowns.

that is unless landon tries to make a move. because in that case, well. shit's gonna hit the fan.

we may be ancient history, but no way. some women are strictly forbidden from everyone else, and ira will always be one of them.

"she's not very friendly, i don't even think she likes us that much." otto says with a shrug. "you haven't got a shot with that one, brother."

"the hell i don't." landon rolls his eyes. "i could get her number if i wanted to try. i just ain't feeling it tonight. anyways, i think i've had enough fun for one night. i'm gonna head back."

"thank god." chanel mutters as landon pushes his chair back. "i'm ready for bed too."

"oh, i see how you got it all planned out. you just stick around to make sure your boy landon doesn't go crazy, right? the rest of the guys can manage themselves, but i'm that guy? the one who needs all the help?"

landon once again cuts his eyes at her, hearing sterling groan from beside her.

"you gotta be kidding me, you only just figured that out?"

landons' eyes narrow at chanel once again, before a smile takes the place of his frown as he reaches out, rubbing his hand along her gigantic belly.

"alright, alright. i guess i'm that guy. thanks momma for looking out, but your work is done here, landon's heading back to the hotel. and you, sterling, and little landon can rest easy now, okay?"

"don't you ever call my child such a vile name again." sterl jokes, smacking landons' hands away from his wife. "sterling jr. does not want to be called landon. it hurts his feelings."

"seriously?" chanel shakes her head. "aren't you guys aware that there's such thing as having a girl?"

"landella is a great name." landon grins wide.

"and just like that, our night is over." chanel giggles, waving goodbye to all of us.

sterling places a hand on his wife's' back, constantly looking down at her as she waddles beside him as they make their way to the doors of the bar.

"i'll see you lot later." landon waves, before saying his own goodbyes and following behind them.

"you gonna head back too? i'm think i'm gonna call it a night aswell." otto chirps in.

"i will in a minute." my eyes flick over to ira, who is now busy cleaning the empty bar.

"oh, okay." otto grins at me, before looking between ira and i. "well, you have fun. but not too much, we got a game tomorrow." he pushes his chair back, heading up towards the bar.

he says something quietly to ira before sliding her a stack of bills. she glances between the money and him, before nodding and smiling, and then saying something to him that i couldn't understand.

i sit at the table for only a moment, waiting on otto to exit, before grabbing the remnants of my beer and heading towards the bar myself.

"this seat taken?"

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