chapter seven

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six years ago..

i step into the waiting room, feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

ira stands up from her chair, her eyes landing questionably on mine. i hold out my hand to her and she takes it before i lead her outside and to the car.

"odell." she pauses at the door. "are you okay?"

"no." i exhale slowly, before shaking my head. "but i will be the second we get out of here."

"alright." she nods, climbing into the drivers' seat.

i sink down into my own seat, reclining all the way back and closing my eyes. even though i've seen my mom in prison before, this time it was different. this time was harder.

she's never looked as bad as she did today. i know that it's because she's now locked up, and more than likely out of drugs. but she barely even wanted to hear about what has been going on with me since she up and left.

in fact, the only thing that she seemed to be concerned about was whether i would be able to deposit any money into her commissary account.

i'm guessing that she needs the money so that she can buy some things to make a trade for her drugs when she gets out. mother of the year.

ira is quiet for most of the way home, barely even singing along with any of the music in the background. i glance over at her from time to time, only to catch her looking at me too.

finally, i break the silence.

"thank you for bringing me today, ira. i don't know how many times i've said that i've appreciated it."

"no worries, odell. that's what friends are for right?" i'm flashed with one of her gorgeous smiles, the kind that makes her eyes light up.

"yeah, i guess. i've just never had friends like that. you know, friends like you."

"well, now you do." she reaches over to slide her hand underneath my shirt, giving my shoulder a squeeze before turning her attention back to the road. "so, do you still wanna learn how to drive a stick?"

"i don't know if i'm up for it today."

she simply nods. "alright, maybe another time then."

"yeah, maybe."

six years ago

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six years ago..

"so? road trip with mr. beckham! girl, i'm so jealous right now." laci lets out a high pitched squeal.

i lay back on my bed, sighing hard into my phone. "there's nothing to be jealous of. we didn't really talk that much."

"well, still. i would be making a fool out of myself every day if i had to live with him. he's real hot, ira. i have no idea how you do it."

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