chapter ten

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explicit scenes ahead.

six years ago..

i just nod as my heart accelerates in my chest. in an instant, he reaches forward to clutch both sides of my top, prying it over my head before propelling it across the room.

i'm then in his arms as his mouth crams on mine, beginning to grind his hips into me.

he braces me against the wall prior to reaching down and lifting me high, all while continuing to grind into me. and the feeling of it is unlike anything i've felt before.

every nerve ending in my body is dripping with need for this man to never stop, feeling his hands move furiously over me as he grips and squeezes hard, all whilst brushing his erection against my now achy core.

i munch on my bottom lip as he reaches to tug at my bra, unclasping it with one hand. it falls to the ground and notice his hands pull at my leggings before those were tossed in the same direction as my shirt.

he sets me back down on my feet, a grin sent from the devil on his face as i watch him sink to his knees in front of me.

"why you–" i whisper but my answer falls short and turns into a moan. his head nudges in between my legs to open them up more as his kisses trail the inside of my thighs, carefully moving their way upwards.

his large hand grasps my leg, placing it onto his shoulder as he lets out a curse word at the sight in front of him. he pulls my underwear to the side and licks me—long and slow—which causes me to cry out.

i merely scream, sensing his tongue and mouth that continues to lick and suck me with all his might.

he blows cold air against my flesh, producing my hips to make contact with his face, my nails digging into his shoulders. i shamelessly grind against his tongue as another hiss leaves my mouth.

he retreats away from me, licking his lips slowly as his eyes never leave mine. but not long before he takes me back into his mouth to suck the remaining juices that trickled out of me. shortly after, he thrusts a finger inside to rub against my wet walls, hitting my spot continuously.

i'm still so far gone, i barely feel him rise as he tugs at his pants to let them drop. his hands cup me from underneath, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist as i prepare myself.

when i finally open my eyes, i notice his thick head pushing against my opening, the ache of how he could fuck up my insides killing me, and i look up to see his brown eyes full of lust. he smirks before gritting his teeth, impelling a little further, whilst using his free hand to stimulate my clit.

"have you ever done this before?" he purrs, suddenly stopping all movement.

i nod, seeing an angry look cross his face. but as fast as it comes, it's gone before i could recognise it again.

"yeah, once before."

"bet." he breathes, compressing his lips into mine. "you better keep them legs open." he murmurs against them and i do as he asks.

he takes his time, manoeuvring each delicious inch of himself inside of me, letting my body adjust to his size before he finally sinks all the way in.

he groans in pleasure, a smile forming on his lips before he pulls back and eases himself back in. my head falls onto his shoulder and all i can do is scratch his back and moan his name.

"you like that?" he mutters, his lips dragging lazily along my neck.

i moan in response as he bites on my neck, gently kissing the pain away. he gives me one last deep stroke before pulling himself out of me and forcing my eyes on his.

"tell me if i'm hurtin you."

he enters me a lot harder, the faint sounds of our skin clapping surrounding the room. to be honest, he doesn't hurt at all. actually, the way that he moves his hips is pretty fucking amazing. it's like he knows exactly how to please me.

"it doesn't hurt. it feels–" i moan again as he slams back inside of me with such force. he continues his fast pace, his hand wrapping around my neck in a firm but gentle grip.

both of my hands clutch onto his wrist, my eyes hitting the back of my head until i hear my name come out of him in a pant.

he slams into me once again, noticing how my stomach tightens as i reach my high. i let myself loose all over him with a shriek, feeling myself drip down my thighs as i try to catch my breath as he too releases inside of me.

he drags me closer, pressing another kiss to my forehead. his hand lazily draws circles on my back which triggers goosebumps to arise on my skin.

"i've got no idea how this is gonna work, ira. i've never been in an actual relationship. but with you–" he blows out his breath. "with you, i want it to be different."

"we're gonna have to keep it quiet." i tell him and feel him nod against me.

"i know. your dad will kill me if–"

"he won't find out. it's just between you and i."

"i don't know how i'm gonna be able to keep it a secret."

"well, if you want this to work, you're gonna have to." i giggle, but i stop as soon as he pulls back from me and our eyes meet.

the seriousness in his eyes causes my laughter to die in my throat and he reaches out to cup my chin in his palm while his thumb strokes my lips.

"of course, i want this to work." he mumbles, dipping his head downwards. "and it will work, ira. i know that i don't deserve you, but i'll promise you this. i'm gonna try so hard to be exactly what you need. no matter what i have to do, i'm gonna prove it to you that no one else could love you any better than i can."


"it's alright." he strokes my lip again, prior to giving me a kiss. "you don't gotta say anything. i just need you to know, need you to try and understand the way i feel about you. i've never felt this way before, about anyone."

"i love you too." i mutter back and his eyes widen.

the words are out before i could stop them, but i'm being dead serious.

"don't say that unless you mean it, ira."

"i mean it." i snuggle even closer to him. "really, i do."

"good." he grins down at me, securing his arms around me before rolling us so that i'm underneath him again.

"i plan on you being in my life forever. and someday, i'm gon make you my wife. i'm in love with you too."

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