chapter twenty-seven

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i'm trying hard to pay attention to the nurse, as she lists of ira's discharge instructions, but i'm having the hardest time focusing. my mind is a complete cluster fuck of emotions right now. so many different emotions i can't analyse one.

"no broken bones, the stitches need to come out in 5-7 days–"

i swallow hard before glancing over at ira, who looks way too pale for me to keep my sanity.

"i mean, are you sure she's okay to go home? you're certain?" i interrupt the nurse, making her eyes narrow at me once again.

"sir. we've gone over this, three times now. she doesn't have any injuries that warrant a hospital admission, nor does she want to be admitted to the hospital."

"odell, please." ira begs, tilting her head slightly. "i told you. i'm fine."

"you're not fine, fine was the way i left you two days ago, fine is not all cut up and bruised, with stitches, concussion and a headache!"

"i'm so sorry." ira completely ignores me, turning her attention back to the nurse. "please, continue."

i try and slow my breathing, tryna focus on something that won't make me lose my mind. seeing ira like this is way too much for me to handle. and she seems completely oblivious to how badly this could of ended. the nurse hands ira the paperwork before motioning at someone to grab a wheelchair.

"she don't need a wheelchair." i mutter, reaching down and scooping ira up. "i'll just carry her."

ira shakes her head. "you're really killing me here, odell."

"not an appropriate time to talk about dying, ira. not after today."


"i've got her."

i cut the nurse off yet again, totally ensuring a place on her list of most hated visitors before charging towards the door.

"you know what, fine." ira sinks against me, resting her head on my shoulder. "this is way more comfortable than a wheelchair anyways."

i carry her through the waiting room and out to the parking lot, ignoring the stares and fingers that point our way as recognition sets in for them. i carry her to my car, settling her in whilst jogging around to the drivers side.

i reach over and buckle her up and then turn on the car, heading home.

"i hope you ain't in any kind of trouble for leaving practice." she blinks up at me, full with concern. i reach over and take her hand in mine, squeezing tightly.

"that's the last thing you need to worry about, baby. coach knew what happened. it's all good. and even if it wasn't?" i pull up to the red light and turn to face her. "nothing could of kept me away."

she doesn't respond. she simply just nods her head, leaning back against the seat.

we drive the rest of the way in silence, each of us lost inside of our own minds. well, i can't really speak for her, since she's pretty much out of it due to painkillers.

i pull into the driveway, pushing down the pang of anger that tries to surface as i look at the car that ira should have been driving, before parking and hopping out, reaching down and lifting her back into my arms.

"i'm so tired." she mumbles, resting her head into the crook of my neck.

"i know, bubba. i'll get you into bed." she yawns in response whilst her breathing slows.

we stop for a second in the hallway as i briefly talk to chanel, who lets me know that adonis has been bathed and is already fast asleep. i thank her, before watching her walk out to her car and head off into the night.

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