chapter two

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and what a fine ass man he's become.

his arms strain against his t-shirt, the material so tight against his skin that i can see the outline of what lies beneath. which looks so incredibly good.

he looks more like a model than just some guy at the bar, with his brown tattooed skin, a strong jaw that is decorated with a billion beard hairs and his dyed blonde curly hair that stuck out from underneath his hat.

i swallow hard, forcing my face to remain cold, and i firmly try to get myself together. i simply need to keep my cool and get this man his drink, so that he could carry on with whatever business he had upon himself tonight.

those stupid eyes of his blaze hot as he looks me up and down, much like a cougar would, stalking its' prey. except i'm not dumb enough to be fooled by this man of all means.

"ira, you look amazing."

"you were always a bullshitter when it came to your words, odell. now, what can i get you so you can get out of my way?"

i nod towards his glass, which is nearly empty, making him tilt his head to stare at me hard.

"jesus, ira. i haven't seen you in years and it's gonna be like that?"

"not seeing you in years has been a blessing. and yeah it's gonna be like that. i'm working and hella busy. do you need a drink? because if not, you're taking up time here." i tap the bar top with my knuckles, nodding to the line forming behind him.

"um, yeah. gin and tonic, please." he slides his glass across the countertop, as i see a beautiful brunette push through the crowd to the front of the bar, waving her hand at me and shaking her head.

"no, no. just a beer. he will have just a beer."

she's huffing and puffing by the time she gets my attention, placing one hand on her very large stomach and the other on odells' shoulder.

"are you serious?" i hear him groan, as i turn around to grab a beer and thrust it towards him. "i thought ellis stopped hiring moms a long time ago."

"now you know damn well i'm not getting paid to look after you lot, but i can tell you i sure am about to be a mom. someone's gotta keep an eye out for the team. we got a game tomorrow."

she flashes me a huge grin, before motioning towards a large table over in the corner of the bar.

"hi, sorry to bother you and all, but i talked to someone, maybe a sienna? earlier. i had asked about reserving that table over there." the pregnant woman nods her head at it. "is it alright for us to just go and sit down?"

"sure." inwardly i cringe, knowing damn well that i'm gonna have to serve this table tonight, which is surely going to be filled with odell and his friends.

"great." she rewards me with another huge smile, before snapping her fingers at odell to go and sit down.

his eyes flash back to mine for a brief second, but i don't meet them. i quickly dismiss him with the coldest look that i could manage, before turning my attention to the brunette.

"i'm chanel by the way. obviously, i won't be drinking." she pats her stomach. "but if you could just keep the water coming for me, i would really appreciate it."

"not a problem." i smile back at her, noticing how tired she looks. "are you sure you just want water, nothing with a little caffeine?"

she frowns, looking over her shoulder quickly before glancing back at me.

"i would about kill for a diet cola. but, my husband is an absolute freak about me being pregnant and no way would he be okay with the caffeine."

"is that your husband, odell? the one who just walked away?"

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