chapter twenty-nine

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"how about here?" i trace the sponge against iras' shoulder as her head falls back against my chest.

"i don't think so."

she leans back against me, her back to my front, before turning her face towards me and pressing her lips to my neck.

"i'm actually feeling so much better." she murmurs against my skin. "and it's all because of you."

"obviously." i joke, taking the sponge and lazily trailing it across her front.

i pay extra attention to her boobs, loving the way her skin flushes from the contact, before lathering it up and getting her in my other most favourite spot. her hand squeezes my thigh, and a low moan escapes her.

"baby," i mutter, pulling back. "as much as i would love to have another round with you, the sitters gotta leave soon and i promised adonis a pizza and movie night in bed."

she murmurs something, squeezing hard on my thigh. "such a shame."

"you know what?" i groan, pulling her onto me. "we got the time."

my heart is full. the same goes for my bed, and i wouldn't have it any other way.

adonis is fast asleep on my chest as the movie that we've been watching finally finishes. he's been out for at least a half hour at this point, but i didn't have the heart to move him. plus, i hate to admit it, but i was kind of into the movie and needed to see the ending.

"well, that was good." i glance over at ira, who's propped up against several pillows. she bursts out laughing before her hand flies to her mouth to stifle the sound. "you know that was a children's movie, right?"

"yeah, i'm just glad the little koala found his way home. i probably wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight if he didn't."

"oh, my. you're too much." she giggles again, before looking up at me with her gorgeous hazel eyes.

"you love me anyways."

she blinks, and her mouth opens, before she smiles slightly and nods her head. "yeah. i do."

"god, i love hearing you say that." i lean over and smack a kiss to her lips.

adonis stirs, before rubbing his sleepy little eyes and sitting up slightly. he wobbles, causing me to reach out and grab him.

"i'm sleepy, daddy." he falls back into my chest, tucking his head under my armpit.

iras' eyes are wide as she glances between the two of us. "odell, i told you not to–"

"no." i press a finger to her lips. "if he wants to call me that, then i am honoured."


"remember what you said?"

her eyes tilt up to mine as i'm sure she tries to recall, so i help her out.

"you promised that you were in this with me. you promised you were gonna give me another chance."

"you asked me that at a very inopportune time." her mouth flattens.

"so, what? you still agreed."

"i was under the influence!"

"the influence of my–" i smirk as her eyes trail down, causing her to reach up and playfully smack my arm.

"yes, and that wasn't fair!"

"all's fair in love and war, baby. and you already know, i'm gonna do whatever it takes to get you back. and if i have to intoxicate you with my love? so be it."

"you're a pig." she grumbles, leaning over to grab adonis. "we better get to bed."

"i don't think so." i pull him closer to me, before lifting him into my arms and scooting us out of bed. "i'll go put him into bed. this is your bed now, this is where you sleep."

"no, my room–"

"is in here, with me. adonis sleeps down the hall."

"how irritating you wanna be?"

"a lot. and if you try to leave this bed? just know that i'll come and pick your ass right back up and carry you in here. so, to save us both the hassle, keep your sweet and pretty ass right here. i'll be back."

i lean adonis' head towards ira so that she could kiss him goodnight, carrying him down to his bedroom and tucking him in.

ira doesn't try to move. in fact, by the time i make it back into the room, she's already curled up on her side, in the perfect position for me to slip in beside her and wrap her up tightly in my arms.

tomorrow will be the start of a new day for us. an entire day of nothing but us moving forward. i've already gotten her to agree to it, and she's admitted that she loves me. the rest should be easy.

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