You, again. (Chapter 29)

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My hear shattered into tiny little pieces when i saw that. My own husband, the one who cared for me, loved me, said im beautiful every second, now is saying that to another girl.

"Shannah, please!" He says, as im packing my bag.

"Please what? There is nothing to explain!"

"I love you!" He says.

"Cameron" I say, sitting down, he sat down with me.

"Yeah" He says, wiping a tear away.

"Im going to go away for a while, just somewhere, back home, with Izzy, dont come after us. You have fun here, without us, we'll be fine, dont check up on me, worry about your life not ours. We cant be the same, not ever, im sorry" I say, shutting my suitcase and putting it on the floor.

"I love you, and i always will" He says, standing up.

"I know" I whisper.

I walk downstairs, getting Izzy on the way, its 5am, but everyones in the sitting room. Debby's sitting on the sofa, i walk in the front room, and she stands up, i look at her.

"I'm going to be staying at my house for a while" I say,"With Izzy."

"Anything that makes you happy" Naomi says, hugging me.

I look at Debby, she slightly smile, so i do the same. Im not going to hate her, i just dont approve what she did. The guys take me outside and i wait for a cab, me, Nancy, Nash, Naomi, Matt, Molly, Hayes and Cameron, go to the airport. I buy my ticket and we wait, Cameron goes and gets coffee, its 5:30am, and my flights at 6am. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Nancy asks me.

"Positive" I say.

"But you and Cam are cute" Hayes says.

"Were" I say.

Before i know it, my gate gets called out early, we wait a bit, then Cam comes running up to us. We get to my gate, i will miss Cameron, but just not in the way i did. I hug everyone and give my ticket in, everyone but Cam, theyre all crying, so i start. I wave them goodbye and start walking down, Cam runs down and stops us, he kisses Izzys head and walks backwards.

"Bye" He mouths.

I turn round and walk away.


Shannah walks away, i start crying, the gates close when Cam comes back. I turn into Hayes, its so sad, cause i remember when they were 19, and in love, then they had a baby, they have been through so much, together.

"I love you" I say to Hayes, i hope he doesnt forget.

"I love you too" He says, kissing me.


I turn round and see Hayes and Nancy say they love each other and kiss, it breaks me inside. Me and Shannah were once like that, i love her so much, and its hard for me to let her AND my little baby girl go.

"Its going to be alright" Nash says, rubbing my back.

I turn to him and hug him, he hugs back, i can feel myself crying again.

"Lets go back" I say.

We walk past the huge window, and i see her plane leaving the ground. I breathed in and out, as we left the airport, i realized, i like Debby a lot, i must sound like a dick, but i do. My eyes looked at my ring on my hand, im keeping it on, cause i still care.

"What do you want to do today?" Hayes asks.

"We can go to the beach?" Naomi suggests.

"Yeah, sure" Molly says, looking at me.

"Do you want to go?" Matt asks me.

"Yeah" I say, quietly.

We get back and go inside, everyone else are changed and eating breakfast, no one could go back to sleep. Debby's in my room, i know that cause i told her to go in there. i went upstairs and saw her, she kept seated.

"Are you leaving?" She asks.

"No, ill stay here with you" I say, kissing her.

"You not going after Shannah?" She asks, letting go.

"No, i love you" I say, kissing her again.

"Cam, were going to the beach soon, hav.." Nash started, before seeing us.

"You disgust me" He says, leaving.

"What his problem?" Debby asks.

"Because Shannah's just left, and im kissing you."

She nods and we carry on.


As much as i love Cam, he can be a right dick at times, and unfair. Debby's a fair lady, but Shannah is the one for Cam, and they both know it, they just wont admit it. We're at the beach, Cam and Debby are in the water with Nancy and me, Hayes and Naomi are chatting on shore, with Matt and Molly, Nancys friends have gone to see family, and O2l and that have gone to see sites.

"Oi Nancy!" I say, she turns round, i go underwater and put her on my shoulders.

She starts laughing, and tries to wobble off, i start swimming out, she gets off. She can no longer touch the floor, but i can, me and Hayes are really tall, Nancy and Naomi are average, about the same height as eachother.

"Can we go back in, im hungry, and i want a ice cream" Nancy moans.

"Fine" I say, and start swimming.

Nancys way faster than me, she did swimming lessons for a year, and she's like, REALLY good. And obviously i came last out the water, we left Cam and Debby to do their thing, im still pissed with them both.

"Where are you going?" Debby asked sweetly.

"To get ice creams" I say, bluntly.

"Nash" Cam says, looking at me.

I roll my eyes and get out, im not even going to be civil with Debby, and i dont think any one else, but Cam will be.

"Imma get ice creams now" I say.

Nancy runs up to me, i buying her, Naomi, Hayes and myself one, everyone has givin me money for it. 

Hey guys, sorry i havnt updated, ive been busy, love you xx

You, again. (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now