You, again. (Chapter 22)

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We only went to the store to get a new bed for Jenn, seeing as she was jumping on it, and it broke. This is the 3rd one shes had, we're still living with Arden and Lauren, and im married to Kian, Jc is going out with Jenn, but we dont see them as often as we would like, seeing as they still do tours, there at home now. Yeah, so me and Jenn went to the store, to buy a bed, when a girl ran into the back off Jenn, knocking them both over, i laughed and so did the girl following, they seem nice. They explained everything, they were nice, they are fans, we havnt had them in ages, they only give us hate, for the boys, were with.

"Hi, im Naomi" She says, turning to me, snapping me out my thoughts.

"Hi, sorry" I say, shaking her hand.

"Sorry if this is awkward, we havnt really kept up with whats going on, are you and Kian, umm..." She says, putting her hand down.

"We're married" I say, smiling.

Her head shots up, i think a tear rolls down her cheeks, her arms move with excitement, i swing open my arms, smiling wider. Her arms widen, and wrap round mine, i could feel her smile, which made me smile to my limit. She let go and looked at me, i smiled, again, so did she.


I've called Jc, and he's not on tour, he's at home for 3 months, then going away. I asked if him and the rest of his gang wanted to come down, he agreed, but im going to tell Nancy and Naomi they cant come. 

"We have to get back home, nice meeting you" I over hear Nancy saying.

They exchange numbers and come over to us, I got the stuff we need, with the help of Hayes. Cam is meeting us up there. Shannahs coming too, with the baby, I'm pretty sure Matts coming as well, seeing as Mollys family are seeing her in hospital. Also the boys will help, so 10 boys, that'll do the job quick. We get back home and Cam, Shannah, Izzy and Matt are inside, they help me carry everything inside.

"Right ok, girls, go to the mall" Cam says.

"You cant boss me around" Naomi says.

"Oi, lets go" Nancy says.

"On we pop" Naomi says, turning around towards the car.

All the girls, and us, laughed. The girls left and we turned the radio on, i got a text, right before i was going to get changed into my other clothes. It was from Jc, saying, 'We're on our way, we will be about 15 minutes, wait up!' I put my phone down and got changed. Everyone else was already done, and waiting outside, for me.

"Right, Jc and the gang are going to be here in 30 minutes" I say.


We've arrived at the mall, after i dropped Izzy off at the baby sitters, and were waiting to go in, Naomi and Nancy are having a argument.

"Please, lets go to starbucks!" Nancy whines, itching to run.

"No, cause i want to go to Hollister!" Naomi whines, itching to run the other way.

"Shannah, you pick!" Nancy says.

"No! Call Jenn and Andrea, they will decide" I say.

They look at me, then eachother, they instantly get their phones. Numbers dial and phone to ears, they go swiftly back in their pockets, after a few seconds of muttering.

"They're on their way now" Naomi says, not taking her eyes away from Nancy.

I nod, but ever so slightly, like i dont want to be seen. We wait, and wait, and wait, finally Jenn and Andrea arrive, im kind of exited, cause of Naomi, i want to meet them.

You, again. (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now