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[Third Person]

Those who were at the dinner were standing outside, Yoongi was wiping his hands with a wet tissue while talking with the others.

"How are things with Jungkook handling the project?" Yoongi asked.

"So far so good when you have me around." Jin smiled,  puffing his chest.

"No one said that." Jimin mumbled.

"Let's pretend I didn't hear that, Jimin." Jin closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I think it's time to head back, you three." Yoongi said as he inserts his both hands inside of his pants pocket.

"Please rest well, Yoongi." Y/n politely bowed.

"Yes, yes.. You too." Yoongi had his back turned to us, nodding as he heads to his car.

"See you two tomorrow~" Jimin waved and followed Yoongi.

Seeing them off, Y/n sighed heavily.

"You okay?" Jin asked as he looks at her.

"It felt like a family gathering, but I'm fine." Y/n smiled.

"It's getting late, let's go." Jin held his hand out.

Y/n hesitantly put her hand in his, Jin grabs her hand led her to his car. Once they had settled down, they just rested for a while. The street lights were bright tonight, there weren't many cars driving around the area.

"Jin, why did you tell them about us? Didn't you say not to tell anyone?" Y/n asked curiously.

"I just felt like it." Jin just smiled away, looking at the streets.

"But why?" She insisted on questioning him, trying to get the answer out from his mouth.

"Because I like you so much that I need them to know, who you belong to." He looks back to her face with a love in his eyes causing Y/n to blush.

Jin stares at her for a moment as Y/n got more embarrassed to even look at him.

"Y/n..?" He calls her name softly.

"Hmm?" Y/n shyly looks up.

"Will you spend the night with me?" He bluntly asked Y/n was more surprised than ever.

"W-wha..Wait.." She covered her face soon after, blushing hard.

"Let's go." Jin drove his car to his house.

Y/n wasn't resisting nor reject his offer, she follows wherever. Once they arrived at his house, it was huge, expected from a rich and handsome man. Jin parked his car inside.

Both of them exited the car together and y/n seems taken back by the mansion. There was a fountain at the front and the house is almost covered by glass.

"Shall we?" Jin gestures, allowing Y/n to walk in first. 

She slowly removes her shoes and wore a soft slipper before walking inside. Jin followed, closing the door behind them. Jin observes Y/n who was looking around and walking hesitantly. He was smiling yet his smile turn into a smirk, looking at her back and to her legs.

[Third Person END]

[Y/n POV]

I place my bag on the sofa near me and I felt arms wrapping around my waist, Jin breath was near my neck.

"Y/n..." He kisses my neck , I held onto the sofa, held in my moans.

"J-Jin... Wait.." I put my hands on his hands that were around my waist.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now