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"CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" Minjung and Hyuna scream.

"AH!" I was crushed by their hugs!

"Your ring is so pretty!" They cheered as they look at my hand.

"Was it romantic?" Minjung asked.

"Romantic?" I questioned.

"Like was it romantic when he proposed?" She leans in to hear my answer.

"Y-yes..." I shyly answered.

"Was it like a princely way?" Minjung leaning closer, slightly tugging on my sleeves.

I tried to remember when he was proposing to me, he had himself kneeling down as he smiles at me. Thinking about it was already making me blush. He was charming and being such a gentleman, of course, no one would reject his proposal.

"Someone is blushing!" Hyuna nudges on my shoulder making me giggle.

"So noisy." Yoongi's voice was heard behind us.

"Oh sorry, boss!" We ready ourselves and bowed.

"Why are you girls that loud? Something happened?" Namjoon asked who was standing beside Yoongi.

"Nah, just that a woman just got proposed," Minjung said sneakingly as she let out a giggle.

"Proposed?" Yoongi and Namjoon said together, with Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

"Congratulation! to who?" Namjoon claps his hands together then stop thinking who it might be.

"My fiance." Jin appeared behind the two confused men.

Minjung and Hyuna were squealing, how exciting the situation is. I watched them gossiping and laughing making me all embarrassed knowing they are clearly talking about me. Soon, Jin and I made eye contact as he showed his smile, it soften my heart by smiling back at him.

That evening, Jin and I got off from work and was heading back home in his car. We step out and went inside the house after taking our shoes off.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked, putting my bags on the dining table.

"I have a dress ready for you at our room." Jin said.

"Huh? Another dinner?" I titled my head, wondering and thinking.

"We are meeting my parents."

"We are?!" I was surprised, nervous thinking of the idea of meeting them in person after Jin himself have yet to meet them for a long time.

"Come on, just hurry up." Jin smiled at me as he heads to the living room.

After I got ready, I head downstairs. I was wearing this.

"How do I look?" I asked, asking for Jin's opinion.

"Beautiful." He said under his breath.

He hands out his arm as I slide in my arm around his, walking in arms to our car. He opens the door for me as I settle in comfortably.

Soon we were on our way to the restaurant to meet Jin's parents. I was feeling nervous the whole ride, hoping to not embarrass myself in front of his parents. I know Jin's family is very rich and I am just a normal woman who has an average life and job nothing to compare to Jin's.

"Y/N?" Jin's voice pulls me out from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I looked at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now