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Finally another day at work. It's been several weeks and SEVENTEEN's project is almost finalized. We were a part of the finance division but we didn't have major roles so our work was less burdening.

I head over to meet Jin at the meeting room, with all the paperwork necessary. My heels were clicking as I walk past through the corridors and hallways until I reached the meeting room. I have a small knock and used my ID to unlock the door.

I open the door and saw Jin and Jungkook in the room but there was another person inside too, a woman. Han Soyeon.

What is she doing here?

I was so confused and curious but without wasting no time, I went to sit across Jin and Soyeon. I gently put down the stuff I was carrying.

"We're still waiting on Namjoon and Hoseok." Jungkook said.

"Alright." I nodded, sitting down at my seat.

Jungkook and Jin continue talking, Soyeon was sitting beside Jin, leaning so close to him as they were conversating. I couldn't focus on the topic as I was getting jealous slowly but surely. Soyeon's arm was touching his beside him which made me really annoyed.

"Oh, Jungkook, my father actually was planning to make Jin join the trip that you mentioned," Soyeon said.

Huh? What trip?

"Am I not informed?" I decided to voice out, getting more curious and suspicious.

"Oh, Soyeon. I told you that I'm not going." Jin noticed my reaction, he quickly denies about that trip as he politely pushes Soyeon away from his shoulder.

Jungkook looks at us confusingly.

"Ooooh yeah, I forgot. Sorry~" she innocently laughs it all.

I know what you are doing, Soyeon.

"You did tell me that you can't join, why would you mentioned that, Soyeon?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, looking intensely at Soyeon.

"What? I mean it's worth to mention in case you two forgot." She leans back at her seat, puffing her chest, with a smile formed on her lips.

"You should stop that." I mumbled as I look at her, annoyed.

"Did you say something, Y/N?" Jin asked.

"It's nothing..." I look away.

Soon Namjoon and Hoseok enter the room and sat down. Jungkook began to brief with the project that Soyeon's father created.

"They wouldn't need designs but they need a commercial and Hoseok, since this is your division, you can you hire your people to be involved in the project. As for Namjoon, your work is simply to secure the name and data of the commercial. Jin and Y/N will be doing the marketing strategy." Jungkook explained, passing us papers.

"Mr. Han is hosting a commercial about beer?" Hoseok said as he goes through the paper.

"Since when the Han Enterprise are alliances with us?" he continued, looking at Jungkook for an answer.

"Jin's family and Miss Soyeon's parents are close, this is the offer they give to maintain the relationship between the company," Jungkook said.

"Oh, Y/n did you bring the paperwork?" Jin asked.

"Yes, I did." I pick up the paper, directing it to Jin.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now