[[37]] END

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[Third Person]

3 months later,

"HURRY UP!" a monster was screaming out very loudly, it belongs to Sora.

"Where are my shoes?" Namjoon was walking around, like a panicked duck, searching for his shoes.

"Hyung can you help me with my bowtie?" Jungkook searched for Hoseok who was holding on to his small man purse.

"Come here." Hoseok places down his purse, walking over towards Jungkook.

Everyone was getting ready for Jin and Y/N's wedding, the reason why they were in a state of panicked.

"Taehyung and Jimin are heading there separately, right?" Yoongi asked after fixing his suit, Sora walked over to dust off the dust on his suit.

"Yup, Jimin went to pick up the gifts for them." Sora's lips form a smile.

"Your collar is off at the back." Sora walks behind Yoongi and fix it for him.

Yoongi just nodded without changing his blank face.

"Okay, lovebirds. Why don't we go and head to the venue?" Jungkook clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes at the two.

"Well, someone is heated." Hoseok laughs.

Sora looked at Jungkook with annoyance with slight anger, which Jungkook replied with the same expression. Everyone stares between them in confusion, they weren't sure of the situation.

"Umm, can we just go?" Namjoon said, trying to break them off from their staring challenge.

"Yes, we shall." Yoongi walks first.

followed by others. Breaking off the tension between Sora and Jungkook

At the beach,

The guests had entered the venue which was facing the beach and the ocean, the setting was beautiful and everyone was enjoying their time before the wedding starts.

"Thank you for coming." Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim were greeting the guests.

"I'm so happy for your son and his soon to be wife!" The guest said.

"Knowing that my son is finally getting married, makes me all emotional." Mr. Kim said while pretending to wipe his invisible tears.

"Honey.." Mrs. Kim laughs then tried to comfort her husband.

"Please, enjoy yourself with the food and beverages." Mrs. Kim said and the guests were on their way.

After several minutes, the gang was here.

"Oh boys! Thank you for coming." Mr. Kim pulls out his hand and Yoongi shook hands with him.

"It's good to see you, Mr. Kim." Yoongi showed his gummy smile.

"I'm happy that all of you could come, Jin will sure be happy that you are here." Mrs. Kim said.

"Of course, he would." Hoseok said proudly.

"Come on, get inside and have a seat. The foods are serves at the catering table at the right."

"Okay, thank you."

Everyone enters the venue.

Taehyung and Hyuna arrived after that and joined in on their table. Minjung too joined in and sat beside Jimin. Both of them were slightly awkward.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now