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Today is the weekend and Jin's parents invited us to visit them and stay for a night at their house. I was getting ready before we go.

"Princess are you ready?" Jin shouted from downstairs.

"Be right there!" I shouted back as I tuck in my shirt inside my pants.

I went to grab my bag but then I saw Jin's phone was lying on the table.

Jin forgot his phone.

I grab his phone and began to walk outside the room but I was stopped as his phones vibrate inside my hand.


Pulling upwards the phone so I could see, his screen turned on, as the notification was shown.

"Seokjin, let's have a dinner date tonight. I'll be waiting for you at the same place as usual. Be sure to come! You promised." It was from Soyeon.


I was panicking and mostly in anger. She's evil and Jin cannot see that. I slowly realized why her parents arranged their marriage.

It must be because of Soyeon being a spoiled princess.

Removing the thoughts, I walked down to meet Jin.

"Jin, your phone." I hand out his phone.

"Oh, thank you." He took it and slide it onto his pocket.

I didn't want to ask about that text, but it seems like they have been continuously texting each other. I was really jealous but I tried not to let my jealousy take over.

I hope you are not hiding anything from me, Jin..

Once we arrived at Jin's parents home, we were welcomed by their maids.

"Welcome back, Mr. Seokjin." they bowed.

We calmly entered the house as we found Jin's parent sitting in the living room, drinking tea.

"Hello, my dear parents." Jin greeted them.

"Oh, you already arrived." His father said as he folded the newspaper he was reading.

"We should put our stuff at our room, can your maids show us the way?" Jin asked.

"Ah, yes. Maids, please see them to their room." Mr. Kim called the maids and they nodded and guide us to our room.

"Thank you." I bowed at them as we arrived. Jin placed down our luggage on the floor as I placed my sling bag on the bed.

"The place is so cozy," I told Jin, and he agrees to me.

"Yeah, I used to live here 5 years ago along with my brother," Jin said.

"You left your home that long?" I was curious.

"Yeah, but at that point, Yoongi insisted if I stay alone than get my family involved." He looks outside the window.

"I see.." looking down, I mumbled.

"Come on, don't leave my parents hanging." He looks back at me with a smile, walking towards me, sliding his arm around my waist as we both walk outside together.

That day, I was learning a few things about Jin's family tradition. She even teaches me how to cook their food and even Jin's favorite dish. She passes me her old cooking book and I will definitely learn all of them. Jin and his father were outside at the garden, talking at a bench as they stare at the scenic view.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now