[10] +

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[Y/n POV]

"How about that blowjob that you promised." Jin whispered beside my ear before biting it softly.

When did I? Excuse me, do not assume!

I moan shakingly as my ear was sensitive at the moment, biting my lower lip to control myself from releasing any sound.

"You haven't tried it before, am I right?" Jin pulls away and started unbuckling his pants.

"W-wait.. Jin.." I place my hand on top of his to stop him.

"Why?" He looks at me in confusion.

"N-not here... people can see from the outside." I bit my lip.

"It's my house, don't worry." He leans in to kiss my neck.

"Your bodyguard.. showed otherwise and you really..have many big glass windows.." I said.

"Okay then." Jin stood up and swiftly carried me.

"Wait! Jin!" I locked my arms around Jin's neck.

"Let's go to my bedroom then." He turns with me in his arms, to the staircase, and to his room.

His shoulders were too wide that my arms almost slips off. We entered the room and Jin slowly place me on the comfy and soft surface of the bed and stayed on top of me, continue kissing me from the lips, slowly down to my collarbone.

"A-ah.." A soft moan came out from my lips

Jin pulls down my off-shoulder top, revealing my strapless bra. He grabs both of my breasts and slowly squishing it.

"I've been dying to hold this two." Jin smiled at me and place a kiss on my skin.

"J-jin, stop squishing them..." I murmured.

"Okay." Jin unhooks my bra, revealing my two breasts in front of his face.

He leans in to lick the tip of the nip before sucking onto them. I arched my back, as the wetness from his sucking causing my body to shake. Jin then moves to the next breast and did the same.

This feels so good!

Jin slides the fabric of the off-shoulder top that was placed under my breasts away, revealing my stomach. He slowly licks downwards, making me a moaning mess due to the sensitivity of his licking.

"You know that you look really sexy today, I know you wanted me to touch you, princess." Jin teased and I couldn't reply, trying to breathe.

Jin removes my skirt revealing my undies, which I shyly cover them with my hands and my legs closing together.

"Come on, princess. I want you to show me all of you." Jin said which makes me more nervous.

I know it wasn't my first time but it is still embarrassing. He slowly removes my hands from my crotch area, showing him my wet panties.

"Oh my, I haven't done anything yet but you already this excited." Jin smirked at me.

"D-don't tease me..." I was slightly turning red.

"I like it." Jin moves his index finger against my clothed clit, slowly rubbing it.

"Aah!" His touch excites me, I was surprised by the feeling.

He was rubbing it along with the wetness, making sticky sounds. He uses his thumb to play with my bud, circling it around causing me to squirm. He pressed slightly harder to add pressure making me moan louder. My eyes were closed shut, tightly trying to control my sound.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now