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[Y/n POV] 

Jin and I are still doing work on the sofa, we were watching the TV as well, so we watch a few comedic movies and tv shows. Suddenly, I received a message from my mother. I hesitate to open the message but courage was there with me so I open it.

it reads,

"Thank you for the flowers, Y/n. I know your father appreciate you come to visit him. You know he misses you, and I miss you too." 

I held my phone tightly, unsure what to feel until Jin noticed my behavior.

"Y/n?" He broke me from my own world.

"huh?" I jumped in surprise.

"You okay? You were in a daze." Jin looked at me with his worried eyes.

"Oh, sorry..I was.." That's where I paused, thinking.

Should I tell him about my situation? He is my boyfriend, but... it's too personal... right? We're supposed to support each other, right?... Maybe I should tell him..

"Y/n?" Jin calls me again, this time softer.

"Jin, I have something to tell you." I breathe.

"You know about my father's state?" I asked.

"Yes, he had passed." He nodded slowly.

"And do you know about my situation back at home?" I looked at him.

"Home?" Jin looks up to think.

"I ran away home 4 years ago after my father's death. I found out.. that my mother made a deal with someone who had a death threat towards my father and because of it, my father had to die. He was killed and no one knows the culprit." I said , slightly in anger and sadness.

"After I left home, knowing I shouldn't trust my mother, I was then found by Taehyung. He helped me along with Namjoon and thanks to them, I left my old work and work for Bangtan. But there wasn't a day where I didn't think about the killer, who and why they did it. I miss my family, I miss my mother and I miss my father. I'm afraid, Jin.. It's my fault that mom made the deal and that my dad..." I mumbled at the end, feeling like cry, curling myself into a ball, hugging my knee.

"Y/n.." Jin puts away his laptop, and when to sit beside me, hugging me.

"It's okay, you shouldn't blame yourself." Jin was patting my head slowly, placing a soft kiss on the top on my head.

"Why don't you visit your mother?" Jin asked.

"It's hard to trust someone who broke it long ago."

"Regardless, she is still your mother." Jin reassured.

"But.." I was still doubting.

"Y/n, let me tell you something. I grew up with a luxurious life since I was young, my father was a diplomat and mother was a lawyer. Both had a different way of viewing the world, but that couldn't deny that I'm the second son in the household. Second place is nothing to them so am I." Jin explained, lean back on the sofa.

"Reason, why I work for Bangtan, was because I wanted them to notice how great their son is. I won many awards and many media was talking about me but whenever I ask them about the news, they always reply that they had never heard of it. It hurt me a lot but It does not mean they are nobody to me, thanks to them, I am where I am now." Jin smiled at the end.

"I work harder for them, even if my brother is no longer with us. I work.. for his name and our family name." he stroke my hair softly.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Jin. I didn't know." I look down, feeling ashamed.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now