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[Y/n POV]

The next week entered and I was in the meeting room with all the other coordinators for the project. Mr. Hoseok just finished his talk and we reviewed the outline and script for the commercial.

"Nicely done, Hoseok." Mr. Jungkook said, placing down the paper given by Hoseok.

"Thank you." Mr. Hoseok went to his seat, fixing his tie and did a handshake with Namjoon, a sign of a good job.

"Taehyung, you're next." Mr. Jungkook calls his name and Taehyung who was sitting across me stood up and head to the front. Hyuna was his assistant so she heads to the computer to handle the slides.

"Hello and good morning, and so I did a few meetings with Bighit and EXO regarding the design, and we have finalized the final look for the project." Taehyung moves his hand to the direction of the screen and the slide transition to an image of the design.

"And we forgot to mention that IKON is no longer a part of the list of potential collaboration. Due to certain inactivity, we are replacing them with GOT7 who we had contact with and had previously worked with on older projects." Taehyung mentioned and I was confused about the sudden removal.

"Hyuna, please proceed." Taehyung went to the slides and Hyuna stood at the middle.

"And so the ideology of our design is very simple and we did a few surveys on it and 72 percent is positive and 10 percent people request to fix its design and the remainings are mostly dislike." Hyuna proudly presented her part.

"We know our design is simple but simple is the main reason of our project. It creates an idea of how to appreciate the small things we have." She continued and Mr. Jungkook was nodding his head.

"And since GOT7 is going to be entering our project, Mr. Seokjin's team shall change the division of profit, and can proceed on the marketing strategy," Hyuna said and I wrote down notes.

"Write it down including about the marketing side," Jin said beside me with only his head turn slightly, and I nodded.

"That would be all from the design team, thank you." Hyuna bowed and head towards her seat along with Taehyung.

"Well done on the design." Mr. Jungkook praised them, all of us gave them an applaud.

"I suppose, Jin can move on with the marketing strategy and then the updated profit planning." Mr. Jungkook said and both me and Jin nodded our heads.

"If that's all, please proceed the next step. Dismissed." All of us stood from our chairs after Mr. Jungkook announced the end of the meeting.

I walk out with Hyuna beside me and the boys were outside the meeting room, talking.

"So how is everything?" Hyuna mischievously whispered.

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head.

"Between you and Jin of course!" Hyuna was smiling widely at me, which made me panicked.

"Shushh!" I place my hand, trying to shut her up.

I look behind us and saw the boys still talking, not noticing our conversation and I sighed.

"Let's just go." I walk away and Hyuna followed from behind while still teasing me.

During lunchtime, I head to the break room to have my lunch alone. There wasn't a lot of people here, so it was quite peaceful. I sat close to the glass window, with a nice view of the city. I open up a packet of biscuit and took a bite of it.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now