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[Jin POV]

An hour ago,

"Jin, have you met Mr. Jun?" My father said as the man in front of us named Mr. Jun, handed out his hand to shake.

"Ah, Mr. Jun. It's good to see you here." Shaking our hands together.

"You have grown into quite a fine man." He said as his eyes squinted when he smiles, wrinkling to the corner of his eyes.

"Thank you, sir. It's all my blood, sweat and tears." I smiled back, I did felt a bit proud.

"Mr. Jun is one of my longest business partners and he knows you and your brother since you were both young." father said.

"Yes, and I still remember you were so into Mario that I've bought you many of them." He laughed like a humble man.

"Urgh, yes. Thank you for those times." I was embarrassed at the same time.

While watching my elders talking to each other cheerfully, my ears were occupied with something else. I turn around to check.

"The lady from the newspaper is here." An elderly lady said to her friend beside her.

"The one who was seen with that handsome chief from Bangtan?"

"Yes, and I heard she is Mr. Seokjin's date for tonight. She must be a commoner." They laughed devilishly, mocking my beloved.

"Her reputation is already destroyed, she stands no chance to his standard. My daughter is way suitable for Mr. Kim's son better than that commoner."

That's where I snapped.

"Father, Mr. Jun... please excuse me." I bowed my head, politely leave their spot and head to the women.

I tried not to show my angry face because clearly, I am really upset.

"Oh, he is coming this way." The women began to fix themselves.

"Hello, ladies. I overheard that you want to introduce me to your daugther?" I put up my smile, pretending to be interested.

"O-oh, really? I can give you my daughter's num-" i cut her off.

"How about you tell her for me?" I said.

"Yes, yes! What is it you wish to tell her?" She leans closer.

"Tell her that her mother's attitude is disgusting, very rude and is so into drama, and the woman inside that newspaper is mine, she's no commoner and she is a better lady than the two of you. She's an amazing human being that doesn't deserve your petty mouths and disrespect. That would be all, enjoy your night." Got em.

I turn my heels and head back to my father's side as the two elder women were so shocked and taken back by my words.

Rude ladies like you two, are hell to this world.

"Where did you go?" My father asked.

"Somewhere." I smiled back at him, hiding the fact that I embarrassed two ladies.

"Okay, Mr. Kim. I shall see you later after your speech." Mr. Jun said, patting his shoulder.

"You too." They both finally said their goodbyes.

I stare at Mr. Jun's back as he walks back to his wife by the table. My father was speaking beside me but I couldn't focus.

Is that... Soyeon and.. Mr. Han?

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now