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I felt a shake beside me which woke me up from my sleep. I blinked my eyes a few times before I see Jin looking outside the window,

"Princess we're here." He pointed out at the window and I followed.

That's when I see,

The beautiful island surrounded by the oceans. The small buildings were slowly growing bigger as the plane gotten closer to the ground. The palm and coconut trees were surrounding the whole place.

The plane safely landed at the small airport. We had gathered out things before we headed out.

As Jin walked down the stairs, he was greeted by men in black suits. There were women's as well. As soon as I reached the ground, everyone greeted me too.

"Welcome to Epiphany Island." They bowed.

"Is the car ready?" Jin wrapped his hands around mine.

"Yes, sir."

Our luggage was already in the car. It was the first time I'm experiencing this personal care from the servants at the airport. This is a private island but still, some people are still living here. It's not his island only.

We entered the car and the car moves to our next destination. Jin's family private beach house.

I look out at the window and there were small shops opening and people walking and with their bikes and skateboards. The colors of this island were beautiful, so suited for a holiday environment.

"You look happy." I heard him chuckles behind me.

"Oh, sorry." I sat back down quietly.

"It's cute." He pokes my nose.

I grinned and look back outside.

"This place is just breathtaking and peaceful."  I said.

"And so are you." He flirted which made me blushed.

"Enough with the gentleman acts, worldwide handsome Jin." I poke my tongue out and he tickles me after.

Once we stop at the side road, I noticed there's only one house here.

"We're here?" I asked and Jin nodded.

We exited and I saw the big and tall house with the fences and gate where we entered from. It has a large and wide lawn.

"This place is huge." I gasped and look around.

Jin looked at me for a moment before helping the servant take their luggage from the car.

Pulling out my phone out, I took pictures of the place. The whole lawn is covered with beautiful tropical flowers. I went for a closer look and snap a few pictures.

"Come inside, princess." He calls for me.

"Coming." I ran up to the house.

Changing my shoes to indoor slippers, I was welcome with high-class interior and a beautiful chandelier. My mouth just drops.

The place looks so cozy and Jin must have a luxurious vacation here.

"Jin, this place is so amazing." I smiled while sliding my fingers on the furniture to feel the richness.

"Our bedroom is the fun part." He said as he waited for me to follow him upstairs to our bedroom. He nudges his chin telling me to follow him.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now