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Jin and I was in the city, well a small city on this island. He showed me places that he went during his youth. I was drinking on some fresh orange juice while holding hands with Jin as we walk by the streets.

The locals here recognized Jin and so they immediately greeted him.

"Morning, Mr. Seokjin!" They bowed.

"Morning~" Jin smiled at them and bowed slightly.

"It's good to see you here." the old lady said.

"It's been a while, hasn't it? Oh, and this is my wife." Jin said and I bowed politely to her.

"Ah, I heard about you getting married! Congratulations!" the other young man said as he clapped for us.

"Thank you."

"Mrs. Kim, your husband helped here a lot. There were so many problems around this area." The old lady said.

"Problems?" I asked I look back at Jin.

"You know, the secret job." He showed his smile.

"Ah." I nodded.

"There was this underground gang who always lurks here but now they are gone. Not because of Jin, but maybe their activities here are finished." The young man said.

"Possibly, but if they are back. Let me know." Jin said.

"We will." They all nodded.

Jin and I continue to walk around the city but I was curious about Jin.

"Jin, how do the people here know about you being in a gang?"

"They saw me and I saved them. Especially that old lady's shop."

"Don't they tell your parents?" I asked.

"No, and even so, they don't travel here anymore. Permanently, this island is considered mine."

"They pass it over?" Jin nodded.

"So you are like a president here?" I joked.

"Nah, I mean I wish but no. There's another guy who is handling everything here. And we are going to meet him." Jin held my hand tighter.

"What? Today?"

"Yes, mostly we will be talking about the inputs of the island and future plans. But I need to introduce you to him." He said so cheerfully.

Soon we head back and it was the afternoon now where we are supposed to meet with this guy who is handling the island here now.

"Do I look presentable?" I asked.

I was wearing an off-shoulder dress. Jin stares at me, eyeing me from up to down.

"Beautiful." He said and walks over to me and kisses on my forehead.

"So who is this guy anyway?" I asked, grabbing my bag.

"His name is Choi Soobin, the son of my father's close friend. He is quite young, very young but he is capable to handle the things here. He has his own company."

"Oh, he is staying here?" I asked.

"He doesn't but he handles the paperwork of the island from Korea but currently he is in town so we should pay him a visit." Jin helped me carry my bag.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now