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[Y/n POV]

I felt a slight shake which made me woke up from my sleep, I open my eyes slowly as it met the darkness within the room. I noticed the room had the lights off and I was hugging a pillow. The curtains were closed.

Oh yeah, I'm at my boss's house...

I sighed and pull my body upwards to look around, and saw a digital clock on the table beside the bed, it was almost 6 in the morning. I noticed there was no one beside me, maybe he woke up earlier than me.

I move to the edge to stand but then I felt a sharp pain near my womanhood causing me to fall.

I almost forgot we... had... a very...intimate night...

I had my hands on the bed to support myself to stand up. The door was slightly open, allowing light to come inside the room. I pull them open slowly, looking around to where I'm heading.

Honestly, this place is too big for a person to live in..

I went to the staircase and saw Jin was reading a newspaper with a coffee in hand, downstairs at the wide living room. I'm telling you, it's very spacious. I slowly walk down the stairs, slightly struggling due to the soreness between my legs. Jin heard my footsteps and he turns to look at me.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" Jin puts down everything he was holding, stood up from the sofa, fixing his robe before to me.

"Morning." I tried to get away from his scolding so I just smiled at him.

"Are you not sore?" Jin asked me as he held my hand, to support me downstairs.

"Kinda but I can still walk."

Jin brought me to the sofa he sat on and place me down. He just sighed and change it to a smile.

"Want some coffee?" Jin heads to the kitchen and turns on the coffee maker.

"You don't have to-..." I turn to look at him but stop after seeing him holding on a cup of coffee.

That was quick.

Jin places the coffee on the table in front of me and he grabs his beside me and the newspaper he was reading. I took a sip of the coffee and it has a good flavor and aroma to it.

"How was it?" Jin asked.

"Good." I smiled taking another sip.

"In an hour, we have to get dressed for work." Jin look at the time on the wall.

"Jin, I don't have spare clothes for today." I pointed out as I place down my coffee back on the small plate.

"Don't worry, I had one ready. Just go and shower, the outfit will be ready in the bedroom." Jin stated.

"Okay then." I continue my drink till it's finished.

I stood up but I was still sore so I almost fell, with the support of the armrest of the sofa. Jin looked at me and just smirked.

"I should have made love to you till won't be able to walk next time. I love to see you struggle like this." Jin joked and I glared at him, soon turns into an embarrassment.

After half an hour, I finished showering and wore the office attire that Jin prepared for me. It was a white blouse with a grey coat and a grey slack. The slack was kinda tight so it brings out my butt slightly, making them a bit curvy.

Of course, he would let me wear this.

I head downstairs and saw Jin already in his uniform. His eyes were on his phone, even when I was going down the stairs, he didn't even look.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now