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After that family dinner, Jin and I decided to walk near the Han river to relax. We were walking in hand.

"It's cold tonight," Jin said.

"Yeah, I mean it's night time," I added with a small laugh after.

"Actually it feels good to be outside at night. The fresh air is refreshing." He took a deep breathe taking in all the air.

"You sound like you never walk outside before." I look at him, wondering.

"That's actually true, my job was simply meeting up with clients and deal with them then go back home. I have no time to relax." He explained.

That's... just sad...

I went and look down, trying to not drag that conversation anymore. Jin stops his track which made me stop too.

"Jin?" I lean over to see his face.

He turns and grabs my cheeks, pulling me for a kiss. It was a soft peck. Then he leans his forehead with mine.

"I love you." He said softly.

"I love you too, Jin." I smile, as he leans closer for another kiss.

We were kissing and we didn't stop. I was so into the kiss that I wanted time to stop. I know Jin didn't want to stop either because this was one of the peaceful moments we had so far. His hands were wrapped around my waist as I wrapped around his neck.

He is tall but he kindly leans downward so I could reach him. He smells good, the cologne he was wearing was his everyday smell since I've met him.

He pulls away and gave a soft peck.

"You are mine." I heard him said directly to me as his eyes, shines at me.

"Yes, forever." I added as he smiled, glad to hear my answer.

Jin pulls me into a hug and he had his head on top of my head, his chin resting above.

We were enjoying this small moment as we listened to each others heartbeat.

"Seokjin?" A woman's voice was heard besides us.

We turn to look, and Jin was surprised.

"Soyeon?" Jin said, as his hand slowly falls from my shoulder back to his side.

Soyeon? Who?

"I know it's you!" The woman named Soyeon, sounded really happy as she ran towards us.

"What are you doing here?" Jin was confused, as he walks slightly forward to the woman.

"I was just having a night stroll, why? Can't a woman have a relaxing stroll?" She pouted, acting cutely at him.

"It's dangerous for a woman like you to walk alone at night." Jin scolded but Soyeon was refusing to listen to Jin's lecture.

Her eyes landed at me, finally noticed my existence.

"Oh, who's this?" She asked.

"Ah, this woman right here is my fiancee." Jin pulls me by the shoulder making me lean on his side.

"The name is Young Y/N, nice to meet you." I bowed my head at her.

Her facial expression was shocked, she couldn't process the situation well.

"What?! Your fiancee? I didn't know you had someone in mind." Soyeon wraps her arms together, as her mouth was in an 'O'.

"It's been 2 years, Soyeon. You don't know what I've been through to get this woman." Jin said as he pinched my cheeks, squirming under his pinch.

The Shy Secretary ✅ {editing} || KSJ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now