What is this place?

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Normal POV:

Snotlout defeated the titan wing Monstrous Nightmare and saved Girl Hookfang's eggs.  They headed back to the Edge to celebrate, but they were greeted by a flash of blue and white light.

They all fell unconscious while the dragons were tranquilized by the smoke that came from the swirling vortex.

"Wow, I didn't think that the effects would be immediate." Amber muttered to herself while she left them in a locked room.  "I better get my weapons.  They're probably going to kill me for taking them away from their---"

"WHAT THE HECK?!!!" came from the locked room.

"Snotlout, calm down."

"Easy for you to say, Hiccup, you don't have an arrow pointed at your face."

"Well, at least you don't have a prosthetic leg stuck in a bear trap."

Amber rolled her eyes and teleported inside the room because she couldn't find the key.  Inside, the Dragon Riders were all stuck in various traps that had been set all over the room.

Hiccup had his prosthetic leg stuck in a bear trap, Snotlout and the twins are trapped between automatic arrow launchers that could go off at any time, Astrid is hanging upside down from a rope and Fishlegs is stuck in a cage.

Snotlout noticed Amber watching them

"Hey, you!" he said through clenched teeth.  "Can you get us out of here?"

"Fine." she said and pulled a lever by the door.  

The traps released the Riders, who all backed away from Amber.

"What are you doing?" she asked.  "I don't bite.....usually."

"I'm--" Hiccup began, but was cut off by the twins yelling "CHARGE!!!!" while holding their spears.

Amber easily deflected their attacks and had them at knife-point within a few seconds.  "Rule number one," she said.  "It's rude to attack your host."

"What are you talking about?" Astrid asked.

"Take us to Berk right now!" Snotlout demanded.

"No.  I can't bring you back to Berk.  I'm only allowed to bring a certain number of people here, and I've hit that limit already."

"Where's here?" Hiccup asked.

"This is the 21st century!" Amber said.  

"It's the what now?" Tuff asked.

"This is not Berk." Amber said and led them out of the room.  "This is very different from Berk.  There are cars, phones, electricity and internet."

"What are those?" Hiccup asked.

"Inventions made by geniuses." she said and walked to a closet, which opened up to reveal a bunch of modern clothing.  "I need to find something your size."

"Um, can't we just wear our own clothes?" Hiccup asked.

"You could, but it is not what most people wear now."

"So like the clothes you're wearing?" Astrid asked, gesturing to Amber's t-shirt and jeans.  She also noticed the weapons strapped to her arms and back.  "Are weapons part of your dress code?"

"What?  No." Amber shook her head.  "I just like having these around." she pointed to her knives and quiver.  "Now, try these on." She gave a set of clothing to each Rider and pushed them into change rooms.

"What about my leg?" Hiccup called. 

"You could keep it on, it's fine."

"Where do I put my axe?" Astrid asked.  "This tunic has no straps or anything to hold weapons with."

"Yes it does." Amber said.  "There is a holster for your axe on the belt."

"There's a what on my belt?" Astrid asked.

"The loop to put you axe in."


They all stepped out looking like Dragon Riders gone modern, which I guess they have.  

"You guys look great!" Amber said happily.  "Now, I need to find you dragons."

Amber's POV:

I walked through the house, searching for a Night Fury, Nadder, Nightmare, Zippleback and Gronkle.  In a room filled with fish, I found a black cat, a parrot, two green mambas, a bulldog and a Komodo dragon.  Oh, well that's just perfect.


I knew I shouldn't have used the tranquilizer that had side effects.

I brought the animals back to the Riders.

"Eh, I have good news and bad news." I said.

"What's the good news?" Fishlegs asked.

"I found your dragons." I said.

"And the bad news?" Astrid asked.

"They're right here." I pointed to the animals running around.  "Toothless is the cat, Stormfly is the parrot, Meatlug is the dog, Barf and Belch are the snakes and Hookfang is the Komodo dragon."

"So you're telling me that this red lizard is Hookfang?" Snotlout asked.


"And these snakes are Barf and Belch?" Ruff asked.


"And Toothless is a cat." Hiccup said.  "Not a surprise, he already acts like a overgrown kitty on Berk."

Toothless the cat hissed and clawed when Hiccup said that.

"This needs some time getting used to." Astrid said.

"Of course!" I said.  "I'll be training if you need me or anything."

And I left them to their modernized dragons----errr----pets.

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