See You Again

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So I decided to update, because I finally have an idea.

this is going to be the LAST OFFICIAL CHAPTER of HTTYD in the Modern World; half of this being the Dragon Riders leaving Amber's house and the other half being the Vikings on Dragon's Edge after they have helped Girl Hookfang. There will be some time skips, and their weird senses of déja vu.

I had written this chapter with the fact that they had all watched RTTE before kept in mind, so while some episodes referenced here have not been mentioned at all in the book, assume that the Riders have watched RTTE because Amber did show them, she sent them home, and brought them back to hang out.

Also, I like the song :)


Normal POV/3rd person POV:

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually gonna miss this place." Snotlout said, looking around Amber's house.

"I'm sorry, care to repeat that?" Amber asked with a smile on her face.

"I'm actually gonna miss this place, even though I could probably die if I open the wrong door."  he sounded genuine, and almost sad.

"Wow, not an ounce of sarcasm," she said.  "I'm proud."

"Well, I guess this is goodbye..." Hiccup said sadly.  "It was really nice meeting you, Amber."

"It was great to see you, too."

"I hope we'll see you again." Astrid said.  "It was nice to hang out with another girl other than Ruffnut."

"Amen to that, sister." Ruff agreed.  "Your dragons and weapons are so cool, I really wish we could bring them back with us..."

"Umm, you have deathsongs, screaming deaths and sea shockers on Berk, though." Amber said, confused.

"You're right, but those weapons!!!" Tuff exclaimed.

Amber looked at her weapons rack, then back to the twins, and then at the rack.  She sighed and grabbed two long spears.  "Here you go."

The twins crushed her in a hug.

"You're the best!!!" Tuff said.  "Right guys?  Isn't she the best?"

"Yes, please let me go before I suffocate and die." Amber pushes both twins away.  "Anyways, I'm gonna make sure Johann is already in your world, and then, the portal should appear in about two---"

A glowing blue and purple portal appeared in the living room.

"Oh well, I was expecting it to appear in another two hours, but ok."

"I'm actually kind of scared." Astrid admitted.

"So am I." Fishlegs added.

"It's the right one this time, I promise." Amber said. "I hope..."

"What do you mean by this time?" Snotlout questioned.

"Last time, I may have sort of transported you ten years into the future and almost messed up the stuff in the future."

Six pairs of eyes stared at her.

"But I fixed it!"

Hiccup nodded and then stepped towards the portal.  "See you," he said and disappeared in a flash of glowing blue light.

One by one, the Riders stepped into the portal.  Amber watched with a smile of satisfaction on her face.  She hadn't screwed anything up this time. 

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